Likewise, the true purpose of the laws of defilement (persons, clothing, houses, food)
and the laws of purification, were for types and shadows to show the meaning of sin as spiritual defilement,
and its remedy to be through faith in the cleansing blood of Christ (Ro 3:25).
The sacrificial laws, as well as the defilement laws (persons, clothing, houses, food) and the purification laws were all temporary, and for the purpose of foreshadowing the nature and work of Christ Jesus.
The reality of them is now here, and the shadows, patterns, copies have passed away (Heb 9:10;
Col 2:16-17).
And actually, the priesthood was changed (Heb 7:12), it is the law with its commands and regulations
that was set aside (Heb 7:18-19) and abolished (Eph 2:15).
and the laws of purification, were for types and shadows to show the meaning of sin as spiritual defilement,
and its remedy to be through faith in the cleansing blood of Christ (Ro 3:25).
The sacrificial laws, as well as the defilement laws (persons, clothing, houses, food) and the purification laws were all temporary, and for the purpose of foreshadowing the nature and work of Christ Jesus.
The reality of them is now here, and the shadows, patterns, copies have passed away (Heb 9:10;
Col 2:16-17).
And actually, the priesthood was changed (Heb 7:12), it is the law with its commands and regulations
that was set aside (Heb 7:18-19) and abolished (Eph 2:15).
Deu 23:12 "Also you shall have a place outside the camp, where you may go out;
Deu 23:13 and you shall have an implement among your equipment, and when you sit down outside, you shall dig with it and turn and cover your refuse.
Or this...
Deu 22:8 "When you build a new house, then you shall make a parapet for your roof, that you may not bring guilt of bloodshed on your household if anyone falls from it.
Or the laws concerning quarantine?
Lev 15:2 "Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: 'When any man has a discharge from his body, his discharge is unclean.
Lev 15:3 And this shall be his uncleanness in regard to his discharge—whether his body runs with his discharge, or his body is stopped up by his discharge, it is his uncleanness.
Lev 15:4 Every bed is unclean on which he who has the discharge lies, and everything on which he sits shall be unclean.
Lev 15:5 And whoever touches his bed shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until evening.
Lev 15:6 He who sits on anything on which he who has the discharge sat shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until evening.
Lev 15:7 And he who touches the body of him who has the discharge shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until evening.
Lev 15:8 If he who has the discharge spits on him who is clean, then he shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until evening.
Lev 15:9 Any saddle on which he who has the discharge rides shall be unclean.
Lev 15:10 Whoever touches anything that was under him shall be unclean until evening. He who carries any of those things shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until evening.
Lev 15:11 And whomever the one who has the discharge touches, and has not rinsed his hands in water, he shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until evening.
Lev 15:12 The vessel of earth that he who has the discharge touches shall be broken, and every vessel of wood shall be rinsed in water.
these are health and safety laws.