Yes the world sucks today, and probably will for a long time.
In the midst of all my crap, I noticed something over the last couple days that was kind of intriguing. I work with a guy who is a very ardent atheist. He's made a few comments here and there about his opinions of what God would be like (keep in mind he's atheist), and in the past as I worked with him I just wouldn't say anything. I mean, the way I feel in those kind of situations the holy spirit speaks for us, that's what it says in the bible right? So he'd say something and I'd have no response, and would prefer to keep my mouth shut than vomit stupid. Anyway, I worked with him yesterday, he made a comment, and I actually respond, and it lead to a pretty good discussion I think, however brief. And I thought about and was like, well that's kind of cool, I don't expect it to happen again though. Well today the same thing happened...before I knew it our discussion about God went deeper today than it did yesterday. I don't even really remember what I said, but I do remember it was good hahaha. Idk, through all this crap I'm dealing with God is still using me, and hopefully ministering to this person.