Believing Yeshua is work indeed, and this is what saves anyone.
It seems there is one group not understanding the other. Those who have the gall to say others who believe in obeying Yahweh are not living in grace, which is tantamount to saying they will all go straight to hell.
The other group who has never condemned that first group for being disobedient, rather posting pleas to obey the Father.
I believe anyone who believes Yeshua is saved, but those who have convinced themselves that it is part of grace to disobey the commandments are going to live eternity being somewhat less than those who not only teach to obey the commandments, but do all they are able to obey themselves, knowing all the while the real salvation is Yeshua, His cleansing Blood.
So I do not believe you folks who claim you do not need to obey the commandmetns are going to hell, that belief excludes those who teach against the commandments with evil intent.
Why should we, who believe the Lamb of Yahweh, and obey what He taught be told by those who do not know, that we are not living in grace. This is a lie. First outright, and second by their own teachings. Until Yahweh tells us, the obedient, not to obey Him, because we love Yeshua, we will continue, without ceasing. This taught by the Way, the Truth, and the Light, amen.