Regardless of how you're feeling, you can force your muscles to move in such a way that you put on some warm clothes (if it's cold), get to the door, and walk outside for a bit. One foot in front of the other - you can be sobbing, you can protest that it's not what you want to do, but the feet will still manage to move.
Unless, of course, you're in some way permanently disabled.
Unless, of course, you're in some way permanently disabled.
Because of the cough syrup I use to take care of my often stomach pain (which can be incapacitating in some cases), I hear things and see things that make me think I'm supposed to read into the thing I'm reading for some hidden message from God. I accept that I brought this upon myself. It's just that the only chemical that's ever dealt with my stomach pain is cough syrup and I can't find a suitable alternative.