Adultery breaks the marriage bond. It is hurtful and devastating to a marriage. If he had done this a long, long time ago, and never again, I would ask you to consider staying. But you are saying "November" only a few months ago, and the cheating woman is still in church and mocking you.
First, get tested for ALL the STD's. Everyone who slept with your husband, who slept with other people could be the starting point for trouble. That is a lot more than just AIDS. Then find a place where you can develop your own life, including such vital things as getting a driver's license. As for money, were you being paid in your position in ministry in your church? If not, I would resign and focus on finding a job to support yourself.
As for your husband, do not take him back because he texts you something pretty. He is a cheater, and I don't see much of an apology in that text. I see terrible manipulation, to get you back, to have his cake and eat it too. But don't divorce him. Give him a chance to change. To get an accountability partner and to go through some courses on marriage faithfulness.
Find your own life, and you may be able to forgive him. As for the other women, forgive them for your own sake, because you are being hurt because your anger. I don't blame you for hating them, but Jesus does want to forgive. That does not mean forget. But it does mean realize that they are disturbed people and not following Jesus, by committing adultery. I find it very hard to believe any of these people are really Christians, committing such a terrible sin against you can God. Not that it is mine to judge.
Praying you find some peace and your own life. And if God wills, for your husband to find God and repent of his evil ways
First, get tested for ALL the STD's. Everyone who slept with your husband, who slept with other people could be the starting point for trouble. That is a lot more than just AIDS. Then find a place where you can develop your own life, including such vital things as getting a driver's license. As for money, were you being paid in your position in ministry in your church? If not, I would resign and focus on finding a job to support yourself.
As for your husband, do not take him back because he texts you something pretty. He is a cheater, and I don't see much of an apology in that text. I see terrible manipulation, to get you back, to have his cake and eat it too. But don't divorce him. Give him a chance to change. To get an accountability partner and to go through some courses on marriage faithfulness.
Find your own life, and you may be able to forgive him. As for the other women, forgive them for your own sake, because you are being hurt because your anger. I don't blame you for hating them, but Jesus does want to forgive. That does not mean forget. But it does mean realize that they are disturbed people and not following Jesus, by committing adultery. I find it very hard to believe any of these people are really Christians, committing such a terrible sin against you can God. Not that it is mine to judge.
Praying you find some peace and your own life. And if God wills, for your husband to find God and repent of his evil ways