Shamrock shakes are the best (they rock!!!) for one reason and one reason only!!! They are greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
Here's a story for you all since fen had nothing to say exciting except LYING about climbing Mt. Everest, even though ("it's taco Tuesday and the kids love it") I always get SIX tacos from Jack in the Box, and ,it used to be 2 super tacos growing up ,always with an ice water while my friend had a burger, fries and a soft drink. It was sad, too, because my two tacos and ice water came out to more than his burger and fries AND drink. He got a lot more for his money but I just loved my Super Tacos from Jack . Still do, but, yeah.
One day there was a man who was blind and he was over at a buddy of his house, we can guess his buddy picked him up because he's blind, right, and, drove him over to his house. Anyway, the two were sitting around the house and doing nothing, well, except it was taco Tuesday and though no kids for this buddy of this blind fellow's, they were having tacos and the blind man's buddy was fixing these tacos, and the meat was sizzling in the McCormick seasoning and the meet was layed to rest (and drain the grease) on a paper towel and the lettuce was being chopped and the tomato--OK, you get the picture. All the while this buddy of the blind man did the slicing and dicing the blind man was wallowing in self-pity.....
"I am so worthless. I am blind, I can't do anything. I am just a piece of meat on this Earth that God's using to have the pigeons slowly pluck the flesh away from me."
Anyway, did he say those exact words? No. But, yeah along those lines and the buddy heard this shouted from the living room by his buddy and stopped in his tracks what he was doing and went into the living room and he took a ball and he said,
'What are you thinking? God has made you like you are for a blessing to His plans and to you too, if you would only see it. You need to listen to what God is telling you to do in life? Job complained and God spoke to Him. So keep complaining, but, I warn you, when God, finally, speaks, like he did to Job, 'Who is this that darkens my counsel,' God speaks out to Job wallowing in self-pity from chapter 3 to chapter 38, YOU Listen."
The blind buddy replied, "Yeah, whatever."
The buddy of the blind man then said, "Hey. Let's play catch. I'll go get the football."
As the blind man was saying, "You are so mean, and, dumb. I can't play catch. I can't see!!!!!!!"
Then, the blind man felt a sharp pain come over all of his face, for the buddy threw the football while he was talking right at him.
"WHAT!!! You idiot !! Joe," said the blind man, "What did you just do that for. I can't catch. I can't see!"
The buddy said, "OK, we're going to play catch now. I want you to have faith. Here comes the ball. Get ready on three, on the count of three, I'm going to throw the football to you. Get your hands out, 1,2,3........................
"I caught it."
That blind man went on to do many things after that, no longer wallowing in self-pity, in his blindness, including going on to be the first blind man in the world to climb to the TOP of Mount Everest.