Buddy I know your Mom may not care but I want you to know that God Loves you and I want to tell just how much.
I want you to picture this:
Here is the Creator and owner of the universe and everything within it, The Holiest of Holiest, His Majesty, The Mighty One, The Chief and Commander of the armies of Heaven. He willingly steps off His Throne and comes down to earth in human form to rescue His children.
He allows His creations to shame Him, rip His body apart with whips that had hooks and glass at the end of each thread, bash Him to the extent that His face no longer looked human, thrust a crown of one inch long thorns DEEP in-to His head and then spit on Him, mock Him, make Him carry His own cross that it was so heavy He kept stumbling and falling with the Cross landing on His ripped apart and bloodied body and yet He kept getting up and kept going because all He could think about was YOU.
He allows them to drive 5 inch nails in-to His hands and feet and hang Him on a cross and then watch them gamble for His clothes. And all along He never committed a SINGLE sin never said a single word, not even a whisper.
So what does this Beautiful, Majestic, and Wonderful God that with one gesture could have commanded 12 legions of Angels to come down from heaven and destroy them all in less than 10 seconds do?
He looks up and says to His heavenly Father, “Father please forgive them, as do not know what they re doing”
For six hours He hangs on The Cross whilst ALL THE SIN of Man Kind enters His body. You see it had, to so that God could deal with it (Sin) and remove It ONCE AND FOR ALL.
Just stop and think for a second how He is feeling at this point. The hater of sin, perfect, righteous and Holy in ALL His ways and totally sinless receiving the sin of murder, paedophilia, sexual immorality, lies, deceit, man’s slaughter, adultery, blasphemy, and everything that is evil in-to His body, and as if that wasn’t bad enough for the first time in eternity His Father turns His back on Him and separates Himself from Him so that He could punish All of our sins (Past Present and Future) and take out His Righteous anger on The Lord Jesus His only much loved Son instead of YOU and I.
The separation is too much for Him and He cries “My God My God why have you abandoned me?”
At this point He is totally alone and totally rejected dying on a Cross for sins He NEVER committed and for people that hated and despised Him.
The God of creation went from having everything to having nothing so that YOU AND I COULD HAVE IT ALL! Praise His Holy and wonderful Name FOR EVER!
As his spirit is about to leave His body He speaks out in a loud voice “IT IS FINISHED”, and when He did the wall of sin that separated us from God crumbled, and God unleashed a flood tide of His grace upon us.
It is His finished work at The Cross that makes, who so ever believes and confesses that He is the Son of God, who died on the cross for his/her sins, resurrected after three days and is now seated at the right hand of God His father as his/her representative, that makes you and I sinless, righteous and perfect in God’s eyes forever.
The amasing thing is that if everyone was already saved and YOU were the only one in the entire world that needed Him to lay His life down for, He would have still done it all regardless.
This is the purest form of infinite, undeserved, unearned and unconditional Love which I will never be able to understand for as long as I live. This is Grace.