Hate to burst your bubble but it's very unlikely. Being 19, I think I have a pretty good view of an 18 year old.... clueless! On what they want, who they are, where they want to go, how to accomplish all this and that, when to do this or that, etc. Being so for an 18 year old to fall in love it could happen but not for a long time, or having a lasting love is almost impossible because how could they be a good mate if they don't even no what they want or who they are? What in about 5 years they find out you weren't what they wanted? I think for the most part truly falling in love and such is rare for those under 25.
Age is just a number for love, but age similarities are totally different tale. For example most people my age love SpongeBob as a daily show to smile and enjoy, along with Adventure time, Regular Show, and even those a little older Uncle Grandpa for a few laughs. Oh and Disney, never forget that! Everything has to do with texting, typing, coding... you know electronic stuff for everything. Of course there's some not like this, but they are a rare find. As you can see (this isn't even th 1/2) we're a very immature generation! And don't think you can change a 90's baby because we're stubborn and will only do everything our way. If one doesn't like our way then whatever to them.
Trust me, you don't want an 18 year old or even those about 5 years older, unless you enjoy watching kids because that's exactly what it is.... I'm around this age so I know it's a terrible, unrealistic idea. Not sure about a lot of things, but 110% on this