Everything, even the good stuff, has bad elements to it. Be as health nutty as you want, but you've got to admit that good or bad food/drinks help and hurt at the same time. It's all apart of being part of the fallen world. Sometimes homeopathic meds work, a lot of times they don't. Sugar is fine for some, deadly for others. When it comes to health, it completely depends on the individual. What works for some, to fix what's wrong with me, may not work like it did for them. To feel like I have some sort of energy, I drink copious amounts of caffeine. Sometimes it's in the form of tea, or coffee, or most recently... diet soda.
Sorry, I'm not trying to judge you or talk down upon you for drinking diet soda. It's just, between researching and talking with my homeopathic doctor, I've learned a lot about what the FDA has let slide into foods and beverages. My view is, when we try to change what God has made for us, it's going to hurt us in the end, regardless of what it is.
I know not everyone agrees with this stance, but I think it is the safer stance. I know I've benefited staying away from processed sugars, artificial flavors, and artificial sweeteners like Aspartame. High Fructose Corn Syrup and Aspartame both give me migraines. Splenda does weird things to me. It makes me feel like I'm drugged and and hinders my learning comprehension.
To each their own, though. As you said, everyone's body IS different. What works for me might not work for you, and I realize that. The supplements I take to keep myself in order don't all work for my sister or my mom.
Also, since I was 5, I've never been able to drink more than a few sips of soda, because it makes me belch and it burns all the way up to my nose. It's gross and nauseating. I probably drink no more than a can or two per year. And considering the HFCS levels, I'm better off without it anyways.

And then the whole Aspartame thing...yeesh, I can't get a break.
I feel like I might have rambled a bit because I'm tired. Oh well. lol