The CoC does believe that baptism is an important part of salvation, but for anyone to say that baptism in THEIR church is the only right one is presenting themselves as a denomination and that is unscriptual and yes it is very judgemental. Baptism is PART of ones salvation in order to be in Christ but baptism itself does not save. I mean seriously, I could dunk myself in water and call it a baptism, but in that sense it is nothing more than taking a bath if you don't believe and confess Jesus is your savior.
It is really sad that so many within the CoC don't understand what the bible says. The judging some do within the church isn't part of the doctrine. I understand this, but I am just one person within the church.
Any church that tells you that you have to do it THEIR WAY is not within scripture. You are to be obedient to God according to scripture. Not a denomination.
Just open your bible and study and understand the scriptures so you will not fall victim to any evil teachings. Educate yourself, and ask God for guidance.
It is really sad that so many within the CoC don't understand what the bible says. The judging some do within the church isn't part of the doctrine. I understand this, but I am just one person within the church.
Any church that tells you that you have to do it THEIR WAY is not within scripture. You are to be obedient to God according to scripture. Not a denomination.
Just open your bible and study and understand the scriptures so you will not fall victim to any evil teachings. Educate yourself, and ask God for guidance.