You have not answered my question presented to you twice now: please explain the difference between works of merit and works of obedience, because you don't know the answer.
You have addressed none of the Scripture presented to you, only repeating from your apologetic manual what has already been addressed by me, because you don't know the Scriptures.
You don't have a clue about the Biblical meaning of the gospel.
I gave you Rom 10:3 that speaks of both works: works of merit and works of obedience and Paul shows how works of merit do
not save while obeying God's commandments does save.
Acts 10:35 "
But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him."
1 Jn 3:7 "
Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous."
God's righteouness is the same as His commandments, Psa 119:172. And righteousness is something one does/works/obeys.
There is an old saying "you are what you eat" Similarly to that it can be said "you are what you do" therefore:
If you do righteousness then you will be righteous.
If you do unrighteousness then you will be unrighteous.
Elin said:
These are the Scriptures
which refute your statements and with which you have not dealt, because you cannot.
Eph 2:8-10 - "For it is by grace (not by obedience) you have been saved, through faith (not through obedience),
--and this (salvation) not from yourselves (not because of your obedience), it is the gift of God--
not by works, so that no man can boast. For we are God's workmanship (we are the clay in which
the potter alone forms the image)." (Eph 2:8-10)
If my obedience is the reason God saves me, then I can boast that I did what my own brother did not do,
I obeyed, and he did not.
However, NT apostolic teaching is that it is all the gift of God so that I cannot boast,
for there is not one thing in all of it that I can boast about.
God gets all the glory, I get none based on my part, for I had no part.
The "not of works" of Eph 2:9 refer to works of merit not obedience.
Eph 2:8 says one is saved by faith. Faith is a work. So how can "not of works' of verse 9 eliminate the work of faith of verse 8?
Ellin said:
Ro 1:17 - "In the gospel is revealed a righteousness (legal positional right standing before God, guiltlessness)
that is by faith, from first to last, (man's obedience plays absolutely no part in it), just as it is written,
'The righteous will live by faith.' "
What is God's righteousness? Psa 119:172, all they commandments are righteousness. So the bible reveals God's commands to man.
You say righteousness is a "right standing" before God. Again, how does one obtain this righteousness, right standing? 1 Jn 3:7 by
DOING righteouness, by
WORKING righteousness, Acts 10:35. Paul siad in ROm 6:16
OBEDIENCE unto righteousness.
Obviously then in order to obtain a right standing before God one must obey God's righteouness/commandments.
Show me an example from the bible of one who lived continuously, impentitently in
WITHOUT DOING God's righteousness yet had a "right standing" before God anyway?
Elin said:
Ro 3:21-24 - "But now a righteousness apart from law (works of obedience), has been made known,
to which the law and prophets testify.
This righteousness from God (not from our obedience) comes through faith in Jesus Christ
to all who believe. . .and are justified freely (not on the merit of any obedience) by his grace through
the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."
"Righteousness apart from the law" means one cannot be made righteous by keeping the OT law. Col 2:14; Heb 10:9 Christ permanently took the OT law out of the way making it of no effect, inactive and replaced it with His NT law. Again, 1 Jn 3:7; Acts 10:35; Rom 6:16 obedience to Christ' NT law does make one "right standing" before God.
Elin said:
Ro 5:17 - "For if, by the trespass of one man, death reigned through the one man, how much more
will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life
through the one man, Jesus Christ."
Elin said:
The righteousness of/from God, or justification, is the legal declaration of guiltlessness, it is not a change of character.
The change of character follows in the obedience of faith, which sanctifies.
Again, show me an exmple of one who lives and practices UNrighteousness yet still is seen as righteous by God?
One that does UNrighteousness has an UNrighteous character and he maintains that unrighteous character until he repents and starts doing righteousness. So again, show me one who was made righteous while still living in and practicing UNrighteousness. You are what you do: if you do unrighteousness then you are unrighteous.
Elin said:
Ro 6:16-18 - "Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey them, you are slaves to the one you obey- -whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience which leads to righteousness.
But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted.
You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness"
This (obedience) is not referring to justification; i.e., legal declaration of acquittal from guilt.
Nor is it a causal linkage of events from
Paul is simply addressing the issue raised by some that justification by faith alone would remove all moral restraint.
He is showing that a Christian does not throw morality to the winds but, on the contrary, he exchanges sin for righteousness as his new master.
The "obedience which leads to righteousness" is the obedience produced by the gift of faith and which sanctifies.
"obedience unto righteousness" means just what it says that one must obey in order to obtain right standing before God.
Paul NEVER taught justification by faith alone nor did Paul say one "obeys BECAUSE he ALREADY is righteous". So obedience is the "causal link" to be made righteous. You have wrested Rom 6:16 unti it is not even recognizable as God's word anymore.
Elin said:
Ro 9:30-31 - "What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have
obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith; but Israel, who pursued a law of righteousness, has not
attained it. Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works."
Paul said "righteousness is by FAITH and faith is a work. What Paul did N
OT say is that righeousness is obtained by faith only. Fleshly Israel was lost for doing works of merit, Rom 10:3, and did not have an obedient faith.
Elin said:
Ro 11:5-6 - At the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. And if by grace, then it is no longer by works; if it were, grace (mercy) would no longer be grace."
Again "no more of works" refers to works of merit. The Jews could not be saved just becasue they werew born Jews or be saved by trying to perfectly keepthe Law of Moses. Also,
you did not quote ALL the context in Rom 11. You took 2 verses
OUT OF CONTEXT and then ADDED your theology into those two verses.
In the context Paul tells us that fleshly Israel is cast aside but not totally and completely for fleshly Israel could obey the gospel as Paul did and become part of God's foreknown (v2), elect > a CHristian. Paul then tells us who God's people were back
THEN during Elijah's time and who God's people are
NOW in this
PRESENT time. Back
THEN God's people were the ones that
OBEYED by not bowing to Baal. Then Paul says "
at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace" THis "remnant" refers to those fleshly Jews in Acts 2 who
OBEYED Peter's gospel message, Acts 2:38 and became Christians (election according to grace), God's "
people which He foreknew" Rom 11:2.
When Paul was Saul, he was a fleshly Jew that had been cast off by God and lost. But he was not totally, unrevocably cast aside for he
obeyed the gospel Acts 22:16 becoming part of the remnant of Jews that accepted and obeyed Jesus Christ as God's Son, the promised Messiah of the OT.
Elin said:
And these are the Biblical terms
your apologetic manual misconstrues in support of your false gospel:
1) Salvation - is simply saved from the wrath of God on our sin at the final judgment (Ro 5:9)
by forgiveness of sin (Lk 1:77), which removes its guilt, which is justification.
No verse say "faith only" or "doing nothing" gets one forgiveness of sins. Acts 2:38 - repent and be baptized for REMISSION OF SINS.
Elin said:
2) Righteousness - Paul uses "righteousness" in two ways:
a) justification - legal declaration of acquittal of guilt, of right standing before God, because of forgiveness of sin, which saves (Lk 1:77) from God's wrath (Ro 5:9), through faith in his atoning sacrifice (Ro 3;25) which paid the penalty for sin; e.g., Ro 1:17, 3:21-24, 5:17, 9:30-31, 11:5-6.
It is not a change of character, only a positional legal standing of guiltlessness before God.
b) sanctification - the process of holiness, by the power of the Holy Spirit, through the obedience produced by faith, which is a change of character; e.g., Ro 6:16-18.
HOW does one become righteous before God? By doing/working/obeying God's righteousness, Acts 10:35; 1 Jn 3:7; Rom 6:16. Again, as long as one does unrighteosness he reamins in that unrighteous state. The only way out of the UNrighteous state is by DOING/OBEYING/WORKING God's righteousness. Not
YOUR OWN righteouness by doing works of merit, but by doing/obeying
GOD'S righteousness.
Elin said:
3) Works - The two works referred to in the NT are:
a) the useless (supposedly "meritorious") works toward salvation, and
b) the obedience resulting from/caused by saving faith, which is a gift (Php 1:29; 1Pe 1:1; Ac 18:27;
Ro 12:3).
THe bible speaks of many different types of works: works of God, works of Satan; works of righteousness,works of unrighteousness, ggod works, eveil works, works of the flesh and maybe a few others I cannot think of right now. So when Paul said "not of works" he was not eliminating ALL these types of works, but was eliminating works of merit in Eph 2:9.
Again, in Rom 6:16 Paul said "obedience UNTO righteousness" and NOT "obedience BECAUSE your are already righteous.
Again note the ORDER OF EVENTS in Rom 6:17,18:
First - servants of sin
Second - OBEYED from the heart that form of doctrine
THird - then they were made free from sin.
OBEDIENCE comes BEFORE freed from sin (justification)
Elin said:
Neither of these save us from the wrath of God on our sin at the final judgment.
The obedience resulting from faith does not save us, for we are already saved by the faith which
then produces the obedience.
Elin said:
4) Faith Alone - "For it is by grace (not by obedience) you have been saved, through faith (not through obedience),
--and this (salvation) not from yourselves(not because of your obedience), it is the gift of God--
not by works, so that no man can boast. For we are God's workmanship (we are the clay in which
the potter alone forms the image)." (Eph 2:8-10)
If my obedience is the reason God saves me, then I can boast that I did what my own brother did not do, I obeyed, and he did not.
However, NT apostolic teaching is that it is all the gift of God so that I cannot boast,
for there is not one thing in all of it that I can boast about.
God gets all the glory, I get none based on my part, for I had no part.
Again you are caught wresting a verse. Eph 2:8 says saved by grace though FAITH. the phrase "Faith alone" is not in Eph 2:8. Does it not rasie a 'red flag" in your mind that when you have to CHANGE the bible to get
Elin said:
5) Natural Man and Spiritual Man - Since the fall of Adam, there have been only two groups of people in God's world.
a) the born again (Jn 3:3) into eternal life by the Holy Spirit through faith (the regenerate, or spiritual man),
b) and those who are not (the unregenerate, or natural man).
Apostolic teaching in Ro 8:7-8 reveals that the unregenerate/natural man's mind is
hostile to God (rebellious),
does not submit to God's law (insubordinate),
cannot please God (spiritually powerless).
That is the position of everyone before they are born again (Jn 3:3) by the power of the Holy Spirit through faith.
No matter how religious one is, no matter how many works of righteousness one does,
if one is not born again, he cannot even see the kingdom of God (Jn 3:3), much less enter it (Jn 3:5).
The Pharisees were very religious and did many works of righteousness.
And yet they were God's enemies.
So according to apostolic teaching, there is no obedience pleasing to God by those who are not born again,
and which obedience is the reason God saves them.
All are saved out of disobedience into obedience.
Man is not born totally depraved and the new birth is water baptism:
Jn 3:5--------spirit+++++++++++water>>>>>>>>>>>in the kingdom
1Cor12:13---Spirit+++++++++++baptized>>>>>>>>>in the body
Elin said:
1Th 1:3 states: "your work produced by faith"
Elin said:
Works are the result of faith, which is a gift (Ac 18:23; Php 1:29; 1Pe 1:1), not the cause of faith.
The gift of faith first, then obedience.
Until you deal with these Scriptures and come into a Biblical understanding of these terms,
you are preaching an anti-gospel which Paul anathematizes (Gal 1:7-9), and which does not save.
That is a serious miscalculation.
Don't bother us with your false gospel until you have addressed what is presented above.
There is nothing wrong with the KJV's and many other versions that have "work of faith". Faith describes the work being done. If the NIV is trying to separate works from faith then it is wrong for faith without works is dead being alone and a dead faith only cannot save. (The NIV is a horrble translation anyway)
Again, in Mk 2:5 what Jesus saw that is called faith is WORKS the men were doing.