I feel like i can do this by myself sometimes, and when people say i need professional help its like saying i cant do this on my own! If i try enough i can do it...right? I mean if my family finds out about this id never have a normal meal again... I mean its not like i dont eat i just eat less than recommended

No, we can't do everything on our own. Sometimes we all need help. And needing help isn't a sign of weakness, if anything the ability to recognize and seek help is a sign of strength. It takes strength to admit we're weak, that we can put our pride down and seek help, to acknowledge we don't have all the answers and can't do all things. Weakness is lying to yourself that you are an island and need no one. Because that centers around fear and pride.
Don't believe me, read your own statement. ''I feel like i can do this by myself sometimes, and when people say i need professional help its like saying i cant do this on my own''. Pride. You take it as a personal attack, that someone is saying you are weak, by suggesting you need professional help.
And if you want to go the 'God route', what if Gods method is for you to seek professional help? People often want to think that God only acts in miracles to help people, when sometimes the help comes in much simpler, less obvious ways. In fact, more often than not, God uses less fantastical means to help people.
You remind me of the story of the person in the flood who refused to be evacuated. He said God would save him. Three different times boats came by and offered to help him get out, after the flood hit. Even as the flood was coming up to his toes while standing on his roof, he said 'God will save me'. He drowns, and when he goes before God he asks God why didn't God help him. God replied 'I did, i sent you three boats to help you escape, and you turned them all down'. The point is, sometimes God does bring a giant hand out of the sky to pick us out of the flood, but he sends other people to do the most obvious things to help us. Don't refuse the gifts of God because they don't look spiritual enough or because they may involve letting others help us. That is, after all, one reason we're all here together. To uplift, teach, encourage, help, teach one another. Not to say 'i need no one i can do it all on my own'.