I have been a born again Christian since 97 when I prayed to the God the Father to save me and tell me the truth. That is exactly what he did. I began having prophetic dreams around the year 2000. This dream is from around 2004. I'm not sure of the exact year.
1st part
I found myself staring up to the north. There was a giant, blood red, rock in the sky. It was in outer space moving from west to east along the horizon in the north. I said to myself, "That thing is as big as the moon." In my mind I was made aware that it actually was from a collision out in space and was a piece of one of Saturn's moons.
2nd part
I was in a field that I perceived was just west of Saint Louis. My grandparents were there. I remember black rain. And regular rain that was very heavy.
3rd part
I was outside somewhere and I looked up in the sky to see an asteroid. It was traveling from east to west. It was almost directly overhead, just slightly north of us. As it passed, I started to hear it. It sounded like a freight train. Also, about every 10-15seconds or so we could hear loud booms like sonic booms. I knew in my mind that this asteroid had gotten caught in earths gravity and was orbiting. It had been hoped that it might stay in space but that wasn't going to happen. Now it was dragging in the atmosphere and this was its last pass. I watched it go off toward the western horizon. It was going to hit the Pacific ocean off the west coast of California.
4th part
I was up on a hill looking at the sky. The sky was all reddish brown and filled with smoke from all the fires. The temperature was strangely warm and comfortable. Then I looked and saw there was an eclipse. Jesus was coming back. This was the second coming. He was coming from behind the sun. I started to hear a sound like his chariot. I heard a slow still voice say, "So swears the Lord".
The first part of the dream is actually about the blood moons. You can google the blood moon tetrads if you haven't heard about it. I just figured this out a couple of weeks ago. Prior to that I never understood why I saw an asteroid that was blood red and the size of the moon. Logically, I know an asteroid that big would destroy the earth completely. I have come to realize that the meaning of this part of the dream was hidden from me because God didn't want me to know when it would happen. The red rock the size of the moon is a symbol for the blood moon. The first blood moon is a symbolized in the north. That's why I saw it in the north. After this blood moon, I don't know how far after, the asteroid I saw will hit. I'm not saying it's the only one. There will be more as testified by other prophets. I do not feel it was the wormwood asteroid either.
The part about my grandparents is strange. At the time of the dream, I wondered why my grandparents were with me. I thought surely they won't be alive during the end times. Guess what, they are both still alive even now ten years later. My grandpa is gonna be ninety in a couple of days. He has survived heart surgery, poisoning by blood thinners, poisoning by other medicines leading to kidney failure, six months of dialysis, both hips broken, and more. If they both live eight more days they will make it past the first blood moon on 4/15/14, fulfilling that part of the dream.
The part about black rain may be an effect from the asteroid on our atmosphere. I'm not sure.
The part about the second coming may be symbolic it may be literal I'm not sure. However, do not look up eclipses thinking about finding a date. God is gonna shake the heavenlies out of there places. Besides, no one knows the day the month and year of the second coming except God the Father. He will come when God decided.
I hope this prophetic dream helps some of you get some focus on the times we are living in. Get right with your savior. God wants your whole heart. Give it to him. Only he can protect us during the times of judgment that are very very soon upon us. Only he can feed us. Only he can save us. Do not rely on sleeping churches who are blind to the truth and do not rely on the government. Do not even rely on yourself. Rely on the only one who can save you. The Lord your God. Pray always to him. There is no mediator between God and man except Jesus Christ. When Christ went to heaven he sent back the Holy Spirit so that you may pray to the Father directly. Do it. Ask him the truth concerning these prophetic dreams and visions we write down for you. He answers prayers. Please take this seriously it is for your own good not mine. The good for me was already done in the telling. I pray that God blesses as many of you as he will and keeps you safe.
1st part
I found myself staring up to the north. There was a giant, blood red, rock in the sky. It was in outer space moving from west to east along the horizon in the north. I said to myself, "That thing is as big as the moon." In my mind I was made aware that it actually was from a collision out in space and was a piece of one of Saturn's moons.
2nd part
I was in a field that I perceived was just west of Saint Louis. My grandparents were there. I remember black rain. And regular rain that was very heavy.
3rd part
I was outside somewhere and I looked up in the sky to see an asteroid. It was traveling from east to west. It was almost directly overhead, just slightly north of us. As it passed, I started to hear it. It sounded like a freight train. Also, about every 10-15seconds or so we could hear loud booms like sonic booms. I knew in my mind that this asteroid had gotten caught in earths gravity and was orbiting. It had been hoped that it might stay in space but that wasn't going to happen. Now it was dragging in the atmosphere and this was its last pass. I watched it go off toward the western horizon. It was going to hit the Pacific ocean off the west coast of California.
4th part
I was up on a hill looking at the sky. The sky was all reddish brown and filled with smoke from all the fires. The temperature was strangely warm and comfortable. Then I looked and saw there was an eclipse. Jesus was coming back. This was the second coming. He was coming from behind the sun. I started to hear a sound like his chariot. I heard a slow still voice say, "So swears the Lord".
The first part of the dream is actually about the blood moons. You can google the blood moon tetrads if you haven't heard about it. I just figured this out a couple of weeks ago. Prior to that I never understood why I saw an asteroid that was blood red and the size of the moon. Logically, I know an asteroid that big would destroy the earth completely. I have come to realize that the meaning of this part of the dream was hidden from me because God didn't want me to know when it would happen. The red rock the size of the moon is a symbol for the blood moon. The first blood moon is a symbolized in the north. That's why I saw it in the north. After this blood moon, I don't know how far after, the asteroid I saw will hit. I'm not saying it's the only one. There will be more as testified by other prophets. I do not feel it was the wormwood asteroid either.
The part about my grandparents is strange. At the time of the dream, I wondered why my grandparents were with me. I thought surely they won't be alive during the end times. Guess what, they are both still alive even now ten years later. My grandpa is gonna be ninety in a couple of days. He has survived heart surgery, poisoning by blood thinners, poisoning by other medicines leading to kidney failure, six months of dialysis, both hips broken, and more. If they both live eight more days they will make it past the first blood moon on 4/15/14, fulfilling that part of the dream.
The part about black rain may be an effect from the asteroid on our atmosphere. I'm not sure.
The part about the second coming may be symbolic it may be literal I'm not sure. However, do not look up eclipses thinking about finding a date. God is gonna shake the heavenlies out of there places. Besides, no one knows the day the month and year of the second coming except God the Father. He will come when God decided.
I hope this prophetic dream helps some of you get some focus on the times we are living in. Get right with your savior. God wants your whole heart. Give it to him. Only he can protect us during the times of judgment that are very very soon upon us. Only he can feed us. Only he can save us. Do not rely on sleeping churches who are blind to the truth and do not rely on the government. Do not even rely on yourself. Rely on the only one who can save you. The Lord your God. Pray always to him. There is no mediator between God and man except Jesus Christ. When Christ went to heaven he sent back the Holy Spirit so that you may pray to the Father directly. Do it. Ask him the truth concerning these prophetic dreams and visions we write down for you. He answers prayers. Please take this seriously it is for your own good not mine. The good for me was already done in the telling. I pray that God blesses as many of you as he will and keeps you safe.