Came on this morning to see where things have progressed.
The posts since I left really helped to sum it up for me.
It appears that no matter how we define marriage, that the act of sex joins two as one. I can see how understanding this could have prevented me from sin in the past. Had I known this, I would have had restraint and wisdom.
Too many times I see people that have "willingly" joined as one leave one another because "we weren't married after all".
I don't blame anyone for this as I understand as the prophet Hosea said, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6) Now that I know better. I now have accountability and am further encouraged to resist the sin of fornication. I also understand that I am forgiven for my past trespasses.
I think this is a very important topic as Revelations 17 and 18 talks about the harlot of Babylon sharing her cup of fornication with all nations of the world. While we understand that this speaks about fornicating with other gods, we also know that relationships display the relationship we have with God, and that this therefore also refers to fornication among men and women. We can certainly see this throughout all nations of the earth. It has become more common in the United States since the bible was removed from schools and the nation turned its back on God.
I was seeing marriage as "that joining together as one". Adam and Eve were given in marriage by God and there was no confusion as to who they should remain with. Many things later had to be clarified by God as to how he intended things to be. I am seeing scripture later display marriage as more of an agreement (vow, promise, commitment) and a blessing by others to do so. This commitment appears to be based on what Jesus said when saying "forsake all others; let no one divide you apart". It would appear that parents made that decision for children at one point and it was up to the children to follow through with it. This is probably where we get the tradition "ask the father's blessing" and the father giving away the bride at the altar.
So in conclusion, I see that "joining as one" also joins that person to God. Doing so outside of the way God intended is sin against one's own body. Two people should be married (agree to forsake all others and not be separated) before this act or do so after this act in the case that it was not yet discussed. In either case, as long as they forsake all others and let no one divide them, it is pleasing to the Lord. One is good and the other is better.
I was thinking last night about these scenarios and what Jesus might say. Which of these is more pleasing to the Lord?
1. Two people that commit to remain together and forsake all others, become one flesh, but then leave one another.
2. Two people that become one flesh, then commit to remain together and forsake all others, and then do so.
Think about it for a moment before moving on.
Now try the two above scenarios with some variations:
1. a. The two marry, have sex, then divorce. b. The two make a promise to one another, have sex, then leave saying "well, we weren't really married".
2. a. The two have sex, then marry, and remain as such. b. The two have sex, then make a promise to one another (God witnesses this as he sees and hears all), and the two honor their word to one another (making them to not be liars).
Last question...
If two came to Jesus and said, "We have lay with one another and would like to marry." What might Jesus say?
A. You are too young to understand love and to be married.
B. So be it. No one should forbid them to marry.
C. I don't think you are good for one another. You should see other people before you decide this.
D. You should focus on your education and career first and then maybe consider this later.
E. None of the above.
Just some things I was thinking and wanted to share for consideration.