1) You ask about OSAS and assert it has never been a teaching of scripture. Well, Cassian, I have read my whole Bible through countless times beyond counting. How many times have you read it to know what scripture teaches? In one of my Bibles, I read it all, marking in pink all the verses on salvation, including verses claimed by persons who disagree with my POV. So I ask you since you assert it has never been a teaching of scripture, that you prove that one.
I speaking of the original meaning. Scripture means hundreds of things, including Mormonism.
When I am refering to what scripture means it is as it was understood in the beginning and has since, unchanged.
OSAS has not been a teaching of The Church. No one even knew what it would have been. Historically, it is derivative of Calvin's presdestination theory that became the foundation, umbrella of his whole system. It is held by only Calvinist obviously, and I have come to understand that some who are not even Calvinist have inserted the theory into whatever they have interpreted as to how a person is being saved. A strange bedfollow to say the least.
Actually, do you realize that you don't even mean by salvation the thing I mean? Salvation is first a new birth, a transformation from sinner to child of God right now in this life. Salvation means I have now eternal life -- it doesn't mean I have a chance, depending on some judgment on my works in the future. "should not perish, but have everlasting life."
which is wholly a protestant interpretation as well. You will find no one prior to the Reformation that held such a view of salvation.
2) Then you refer to predestination as a false supposition. But election and predestination are clearly taught in the Bible. Do you have a concordance or access on the internet? Check out your terms.
= who can deny the words exist, but the use of them under the doctrine of predestination as ONLY developed by Calvin does it exist. The root of the teaching flows from Manicheanism to Augustine, then to Calvin who is the fifst to employ it into a faith system, theology.
3) What should we use the Early Church for? To get God's word requires prophetic writings. Kindly prove to us how we should use the Early Church (which no longer exists)?
Interpretation. For me that statement means Christ no longer exists. He somehow, somewhere completely disappeared. Christ is the Head of the same Body, His Church that was established at Pentecost, and I believe He still exists today along with the Holy Spirit. Christ had not abandoned His Body as He promised and the Gospel has been preserved unchanged from the beginning.
That was some statement. See what I mean about interpretation.
4) You ask: "YOur preaching to the choir here. But my question would then be, why do you hold to OSAS which has never been a teaching of scripture, but a manufactured notion based on another false supposition, predestination. Why do you use the early Church for one thing, but not everything?
I asked it but never got an answer. It was not addressed to you however, but maybe you have an answer.
5) "Why do you not accept the Church's definition of the Gospel meaning of "the Body of Christ"?"
I'm not sure what that means. Are you saying that the Church defines the Gospel as "the Body of Christ"?
The Body of Christ is a synonym for the Church. 1 Cor 12:13 says all Christians are in it by baptism of the Holy Spirit. What makes you think that the Church is supposed to give the definitions instead of scripture? Do you suppose that the Church is the superior source of truth to the Scripture? If so, then you can't argue it from Scripture, as the inferior source can't prove the superior source. Are you saying that the RCC provides infallible truth superior to the Bible? How do you know that it does that?
The Church is Christ. The Holy Spirit gave us the Revelation to the Apostles. They established the foundation, they established the practices the definitions that were taught, then practiced from the beginning.
Yes, I do indeed believe that the Church, the Body of Christ over which He is the Head is far superior to a text, that is a witness to that Truth.
Scripture is derived from the Revelation given to the Apostles. scripture was given to you via the Holy Spirit by the Apostles, the foundation of that Church.
Since I am not RCC, I cannot speak for them. I'm Orthodox. However, Christ is far more superior, as is the Holy Spirit than the text.
See how you differ from the early Church, the same Church that exists today, has never not existed with the very same Gospel guarded and preserved by the Holy Spirit within the Body of Christ.
I know that scripture uses the word, Body of Christ, and consequently every sect, group, denomination can claim it for themselves as well. They all establish some nebulous, mythical, philosophical definition of a church. Has no shared authority with Christ, has not power and authority over Christ's Gospel, had nothing even remotely similar to the early Church as established by the Apostles. By the way, that very same Church is still in Jerusalem also. Even Antioch and a lot of other places, never left and the Gospel has never changed.
"Why do you not accept the mysteries of the Church as established by the Apostles in the first century?"
Mysteries? The Church is called a mystery itself in the NT. We accept that the 66 books are God's Word. Do you agree? Can you prove that there is some other source of God's Word not in the Bible and commonly available to men? If so, let's see that proof.
See the Church. Christ established His Church, His Body in this world. That Body is the pillar and ground of Truth. I Tim 3:15.
How do you know that Christ did not satisfy God's wrath due man for sin? Is "propitiation" in your Bible? What do you make of Isaiah 53? On Original sin, do you accept Romans 5?
Scripture states that is NOT the reason He came. Original Sin theory was developed by Augustine. Again part of the melding with his previous pagan background. Rom 5 has nothing dealing with the theory of Original Sin. It fact it clearly denies the theory. Christ did more than propitiate sin also.
What is your proof for these claims? The Bible says that God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Do you have proof for something else?
Those are words. However, the statement is made on the basis of many discussion with several on this forum as well as others, by their stated theology does not accept the Incarnation alaong with its salvific content.
For all Protestants, the theory of Original Sin precludes the Incarnation as scripture describes either one. For Calvinists one tenet of Limited Atonement, theologically, whether they actually understand it, categorically denies the Incarnation as scripture describes it and its salvific content.