This is a little strange - how did Christ "save" all mankind from death - this idea is not found in scripture.
Such confusion.
Let us take it from the beginning. Obviously after reading your post you also cannot separate what Christ did with man's free response to that Gift.
so, Man was created to be in communion with God for an eternity. God created Adam good, not perfect. Adam was to work with God to perfect himself as a human being to attain immortality. He failed in that vocation, which everyone seems to understand so far.
However, the sin of Adam was condemned by death. Dust to Dust Gen 3:19. Satan took man captive through his power of death. Decay, corruption and ultimate death would be the lot of man and the world. Everything in God's creation would be disolved by death.
In Rom 5:12 Paul summarizes that death again. States that the condemnation of death was passed to all men.
All men sin because they are mortal. I Cor 15:56 states that the sting of death is sih.
So, now man has lost life, He no longer has an eternal existence. Man will simply live a biological life of struggle to survive but will eventual die which would be permanant, dust to dust Gen 3:19.
Then Paul in Rom 5:15 states that salvation will be a Gift. That salvation was life, vs 18 given to all men. The greatest problem man had was loss of life and Christ restored life to all men. How did He do it. By His Incarnation, He assumed our fallen human nature, and by His owh resurrection raised that human nature to life, to an eternal existence again. Other texts that support it, Heb 2:14-17, Heb 2:9, Rom 11:32, Rom 3:23-25, Rom 5:6-10, II Cor 5;18-19, II Tim 1:10, John 6:39, I Cor 15:12-22. I Cor 15:53, John 4:42, I John 4:14, Acts 24:15, Rev 20:11-13.
These are just some to show the salvific content of Christ's Incarnation and resurrection.
As to sin, Christ became the perfect sacrifice also for sin. He atoned for the sin of the world, I John 2:2. Without the resurrection the sacrifice would be moot.
This is the great Gift of salvation from death and sin that Christ did for us and gave it as a Gift to the world. Without it there would be no eternity. There would still be no reason for God to have a relationship with man without the resurrection.
For those that desire to be in union with Christ, He requires that we simply believe that He is the Christ, the ONE that saved us from death and sin. That is known as justification by faith. OUr faith makes us acceptable to God, to be put into a correct relationship. If we desire to be united with Christ baptism is required, Baptism by water and the Spirit enable one to enter into Christ. It restores or regenerates the lost union that Adam/man was to have with God.
Now, the work of faith, if we remain faithful will attain eternal life. life with Christ for eternity.
some other corrections....
Paul further states that is in belief that a person is made alive:
(Eph 2:5 KJV) Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved)
This is mankind being given life, eternal existance. Has nothing do with faith yet. The purpose is summed in vs 8 after Paul makes the transition to only believers in vs 6.
Unless you believe Christ was also dead in sins and trespasses. Some of you are so blinded by your theories that you do not even read correctly, or carefully enough.
(Rom 8:9 KJV) But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
This is the purpose of why Christ saved the world from death and sin, so that man could choose whether spiritually he would walk with Christ or not walk with Him.
The effect of Christ was to give life to as many as receive him thus restoring a person to a relationship with God as Adam had before his "death" in the day that he ate of the fruit.
NOt quite correct. He gave life to all men, this is physical life, exitence. Eternal life as used most often is always the spiritual relationship we have with Christ and that is granted by faith, and is attained by being faithful to the end.
That should help straighten out your understanding of scripture. Your whole view essentially bypasses the Work of Christ and His Incarnation. You move it to being the relationship only.