thats simple because i dont see how LOVE can be sin nor do I see how a "homosexual" can become heterosexual. its something you either are or arent and we as christians should stop thumping people who live the way they want. Also, why is it that people dont answer my question of is one sin bigger than the other
Homosexuality is not a bigger or worse sin than any other, but realize that means it is as bad as lying and murder. Also, I deny any such "cure" for same-sex attraction. If there is any transformation it is miraculous and nothing else. It is a sin of abomination, meaning it is when it shouldn't be. Same-sex attracted fall in love with the same sex. They shouldn't, but they do, that is an abomination. It is God's will that we seek Him and live a life of chastity and celibacy. It sucks, it's hard to hear, and I don't want it to be true, but it is. There's no use denying the truth of scripture.
I learned awhile ago now, that there's no man God wishes me to be with, because His will isn't for me to be with a man. Instead, in the depths of my soul I heard Him tell me that He is calling me to a difficult life. One of celibacy and chastity, but He did give me what I prayed for. A spouse, a bridegroom who would never be unfaithful or judging. He gave me His Son, He gave me Himself on the Cross. I carry my cross, but not alone, never alone.