Hi Ozgirl , sorry to hear about your troubles. I am going through a VERY similar ordeal in my own marriage so I think I can relate to you .
I know what it's like to feel the rejection of being with a man who doesn't want intimacy . It's humiliating and hurtful, and the harder you try to start that fire the quicker it gets put out. He has walked past me and ignored me as I sat on the quilt from our bed which I laid out on the floor in the livingroom surrounded by candles so we could try something new . He has rejected my advances for months on end and gets angry if I try to talk about it.
I also know what it's like to be married to a person who has a tantrum and throws things, breaking valuable property and swearing calling me names . It's terrifying , embarrassing and confusing to see an adult act like that . I live in constant fear that he will have an outburst and it's like walking on eggshells .
Recently he had an outburst and hit me in the arm . This was something new .
Someone recommended I read the Cycle of Abuse . I did and it was really helpful and eye opening . I checked off nearly every thing he did because it was on the list . Google it and read - it made me feel better , prepared and not as alone as before. I still struggle with what to do but I feel like I got some power back . Message me any time ,