Hi Kevin....I just wanted to encourage you with your last comment. Don't give up on your marriage. Keep fighting and praying.
I am posting a link to my story (abreviated version) that was on another forum thread. Keep honoring God through the vows you made to Him and your wife.
Thank you for your respons.
I will like your oppinion as a women...
I admit that there was great times in our marriage...we were just great together... but we had fights like all people..
and me at anger i slap her...not hard se leave a mark, but you know that it hurts not even if not fisicaly, but emotionally... and these happen 3 times on three different fights... i know that there is no excuse for what i did, but there were a reason for the fight...
I saw my fall and i repented before God... when i see my miself of what i was capable to do to the one i ever loved so much...i feel so bad...
I know that i could never hit her again and she knows that...becouse she had time to live with me for the past 3 months and she could see the change.
But she says that it's all over... she is 21, very beautifule.she is a student...she has different plans...to go and study in germany...she doesen't love me anymore...not even a bit...she doesen't want a family anymore... she is very determenate to divorce... she hired a layer...and i can understad in my hearth that everything is over...
I tried to show her that i love her...she knows that, but she doesen't..she keeps telling me that and she is telling me that she is selfish and she things only at her and her future live without me.
It took a while for me to uinderstand that...i cried a lot...before her and God and in me...
And know it's strange becouse i kind of excepted the situation and in my mind there are two things.
1 i still love her and i will give anything to have her back and be a happy family, and believe me i will sacrifice averything
2 i kind of want all this to be over...becouse she is the person that she gets upset about almost everything...she likes to be in control... she has a big mouth, she argues a lot...she is not with me when we are on bad situation..financial...family...she points the finger out of me and doesen't show me support...she likes to filrt with boys..she hides things from me...like conversations with boys...friend relationships....
So this is the situation... i feel bad before God...but i know that God hates divorce...and to do God's will and becouse i still love her and i see a great potential in my wife becouse dispite all the bad theings i said about her...she is a great person..a lot of special thing..she is a special girl...if she wants she can make a guy very happy....
I don't know...i would like to see your opinion as a women...if you know in your heart that i changed and you know my potential of making you happy, show you love, respect,joy,kindness, but in the same time you didn't love me anymore, you are young, beautifule, a lot of guys just waiting for a "yes" would you still be be with me...would you give me a second chance...becouse i told her that i only need 1 chance..thats it...and i i make her suffer only 1 time...then we will get divorce and i will be agree with it...becouse i know my potential of loving...
Thank you for all.
Be blessed!