All, the Bible tells us about lust and adultery. Jesus said that even to look at a woman with lust is Adultery. And lust is a DEADLY SIN. Come on, man. I have been there, my soul was torn apart. (and still is to a point, but getting better) Porn was my god. MY GOD... The bible said that anything thing that comes before God is an idol. That idol could be something simple as a cup of coffee, if that is where an addiction leads. Satan is deceiving, and he will subtly devour you. So far I find three sins directly related to porn.
Moreover, church people are growing in numbers with porn addiction. Satan does not hang out at bars or brothels, because he already has these people. There is a spiritual war going on, and don't think that Satan is not attacking the church, because he is. He does not need to cater to non-believers, he wants revenge on God, so he is trying to take His people away. There are many churches being built today that will not put a cross on or in the church in fear of offending people. Are you kidding me? So you don't think porn is bad, or an addiction, then I don't know what to tell you...except my story.
One last thing. If anyone thinks that kicking an addiction gets easier with God, it doesn't. The closer you get to God, the more Satan will attack you, and the more Satan tries to trick you will old comfortable habits. Keep up the good fight.