I have but the church i want to go to my parents wont go. They wont go to methodist or baptist and thats basically all we have were i live
I should have asked this earlier: what means to be "singled out in certain groups"? You said that the reason you and your family stopped going to church was because the church has "singled out certain groups and if you weren't part of it, you were nothing".
I waited for people here to pick on that one so I can make an idea, but...
I still don't understand what it means. Also, keep in mind that I'm Romanian and I have no idea of what is happening (domestically) in an American church.
Which of the two churches did you and your family used to go: the Baptist or the Methodist one? Did no one from the church tried to talk to your family? To see what was going on, what were the reasons you were no longer attempting the church?