Okay so long story short, I've dated my boyfriend for almost 5 years. At two year mark, we got engaged, and two years later, almost walked down the isle...but we called it off just a week and half before the wedding. Of course that's a long story in itself, but basically for the bachelor's party, I found out his groomsmen took him to a strip club. He says he only went in for a little while and kept his head down the whole time, and then left, but we had a huge argument about it because I didn't think he was that kind of guy and he's always told me he wasn't stuck in any sexual sin. We also had communication issues...issues that ended up blowing up in our faces because he'd apparently been telling me he was okay with stuff but then going to his family and telling them what an awful controlling person I was, etc and they all thought I was this terrible person, when I had no idea he had even but upset about certain things! (Not saying I'm not at fault at ALL but I really had no idea how I had come across to him...he never told me) So anyways, it got so bad that his dad sat him down and told him not to marry me because they all didn't approve of me. (they hardly even knew me, just what he told them, and at family dinners I'm a little shy so I didn't help matters) So anyways, I had forgiven the strip club thing but I was suspicious of sexual sin, even though he told me he wasn't into that stuff. Well, he shares my Netflix account (two different houses...we are NOT in any form sexually active) and I noticed in the watched area of movies that R rated and nasty movies were showing up, that I knew I had not watched and I was certain my mom and brother (who also share my account) had not watched, either. Around me he pretends to be disgusted with sexual stuff in movies...we literally only watch certain PG-13 and usually kids movies together. So I was more suspicious. Finally, today I checked his computer history, and there was porn in the regularly visited websites list! I was still surprised, even after everything we'd been through, but I guess I'm just stuck in the "love is blind" hood
I'm thinking this is the nail in the coffin of our relationship, not really because of the porn issue itself (I know a lot of guys deal with it) but because of the lies about it! What should I do?? I'm no angel, either, guys. I suffer from temptation to masturbate myself. But this is an issue I've told my boyfriend about, and I make choices to protect myself from temptation. (for instance, staying away from R rated and even some PG-13 rated movies, keeping myself busy so I'm never bored, keeping my bedroom door open to the family, etc) It's obviously an awkward issue and we've only spoken about it maybe twice, three times? But we have talked about it, and it blows my mind that though I opened up to him, he lied to me each time and said he wasn't into "that stuff". I struggle with this, because like I said, I don't want to point fingers at his sin when I have my own struggles, but at the same time, the lying and the addiction to me are marriage deal breakers. But if I DO break it off, am I really any better hoping for a guy later on that might NOT be involved with this issue? I mean is any guy NOT?? I don't want to be overly judgmental in this, but I also don't want to get married to a man I can't trust. Help....*sigh* Oh also, usually I would confide this in my mom or best friend, but I don't want them to get a tainted view of him (more than they already do) so that's why I'm here, where I don't directly know anyone. (Thank you for being here Christian Chat!!) Also, he was the one who told me about the strip club after it happened, so he did come clean, and his groomsmen stole his wallet and keys and tricked him into going to the strip club (though that doesn't excuse why he went in)