flowers walks in to save the day with a hilarious joke just for Lovesong ....hahmmmmm
taps microphone to ensure all can hear......hello is this thing on
what kind of animal you should not play cards with ????????
hello is this thing on.....tap..tap
what happens when you eat yeast and shoe polish??????
you'll rise and shine
tough crowd .....helllllooooo..can you hear me
what gets wetter as it dries?????
a towel
ohh i see no laughter
no...!flowers..NO.. don't do it put the diabolical bag away show you have a softer side don't let her see your tears
lol A Cheetah! That's a good one, that one is my favorite. I'm a keep that one.
Thankyou flowerof3
I'd ask what i win for making you laugh, but i don't trust you hahaha
Awww. Well you win a hug. *hugs Ugly and then pours the worlds supply of coffee down the drain so that is never seen from again*
Lovesong... He's looking at you... Yeap, straight at you *wink*
View attachment 81929
Hope you feel better.
*jaw drops to the floor* thankyou so much Raine! *biggest hugs* I hope I don't have to take this one back. lol XD
Benedict Cumberbatch: *in his British accent* what am I doing back in this cupcake thread? somebody save me!
me: now there is no escape from my evil clutches mwahaha!
Martin Freeman: *runs in* I will save you Friend!~
me: *smacks Martin Freeman away sending him flying Into the worlds largest bowl of jello.*
Benedict Cumberbatch: *smacks his forhead* there goes another friend...T_T