Ugh my mom! Got into a fight with her over my sleepiness. My father takes the same medication as I but doesn't get as sleepy and need naps as often, so therefore, I am using it as a crutch or excuse to sleep my life away. But I get legitimately tired!!! Having epilepsy and any anti-epileptic medication has side effects of drowsiness and lack of energy. Mine included. Side effects effect everyone differently, but to her, I am just making excuses. Or I am being over-medicated, or need to be on a different med. Any other explanation than the possibility that I GET legitimately tired.
A few years back, I would go to the gym and she thinks that i had more energy back then because of it. So I just need to exercise and I'll be fine. But what she doesn't acknowledge is that I was working less, and only evenings so I could sleep in a good 9-11 hours in the morning during the week. I hate when she starts diagnosing me, telling me what's wrong with me. My grandma had MS and she pushed through it, so apparently therefore I should be able to as well. Ugh!! Like, I won't bloody come over for dinner if I am made to feel bad if I need to take a nap.