It's amazing how God can use songs that apply to situations that are going on in your life. This past Friday, one of our choir members, a woman who if very much loved by most people if not everyone, was taken to the hospital because they thought she had a stroke or something like that. It turned out that she had bleeding on the brain, and the doctors did not believe she would make it. In fact, they basically said there was nothing they could do. All yesterday after I found out about her, what was going through my mind was the Choir special for this morning, "Even through the Valley, God is There." As well as another song, "My God is Awesome." Then this morning, another song that was sung by the congregation, "Always" was also sung. It was like God wrapping His arms around the whole church, letting us know He is still in control.
P.S. We found out this morning that there are signs of improvement. I don't think she's out of her coma, but she does seem to be responding.