You know what, Love, I'm in a similar situation. My older brother who I dearly, dearly love is going down a really bad path. At one point, about a year ago, I watched as he went through one of the most heartbreaking moments of his life which in turn rocked our family, too. But in those moments, he turned to me and I told him all the wonderful things about the Lord and hunger and yearning sparked in his eyes. Soon enough, he turned to his own ways to fix his wounds and for this year I have watched him make one mistake after another, seen him reap what he has sown, and have felt the gap between us grow furter and further apart.
But then I remember I was the least likely of my family to be saved. One of the youngest, the most determined to shut God out, and yet the persistent prayers of my Dutch grandma came to pass and I turned to the Lord with everything I am. My grandma still has a thick accent, and her prayers are anything but elloquent, but the Lord hears and He moves and He is alive in power and glory. Now, I hope my brother braces himself and has a fresh pair of underwear on when the Lord moves in on his life. Because now he has both my grandma and myself praying for him. And even though things may not look good, I am learning in the process, I am building character and coming to understand this thing called persevering faith.
So take courage, LoveNeverFails. Our God is wonderful, He is desirable and He finds spectacular ways to draw people to Him. I will pray for your brother, too.