On their way the Blue_Lady Bug and Arwen were talking about the Duchess and how to help her. They thought that Secular-hermit was her true love but were not sure. "So, how do we figure out if he is or not?" asked Blue_Lady. "I'm not sure," said Arwen83. Pipp and MissCris couldn't help but overhear what was said, and so they asked about her story and what they could do.
Arwen83 related the story of how before Duchess came to the enchanted forest, she lived in a magical kingdom, ruled by the King Still Waters. It was said that when she met him, he then disappeared in an accident never to be seen or heard from again. The king, in trying to give her peace, cast a spell over her that would allow her to forget for the time until she would be able to heal and bear what might happen. He placed her in the enchanted forest to be the guardian and to have something to occupy her. His son, King Shouryo, has been most kind to her, like his father. It's only been in the last few years that her mind has healed to the point where she remembered what happens. She knows that he's still here, and suspects that that's the real reason King Still Waters sent her here. To find her love and bring him home safely."
It was at this point the Pipp remembered her dream from the Zaoman statue. She screamed excitedly, "I know who it is, I know who it is. It's the Tourist. The Zaoman statue showed me that he was in a boating accident that robbed him of his memories and changed his face."
"If this is so," cried the Blue_Lady Bug, "Then we must get the GypsyGirl to help him recover his memories. I pray that you are right. Come, let's find her." And off ran the Blue_Lady Bug.
Arwen83, though, stayed and looked at Pipp. "There was more that was revealed to you, wasn't there?" "Yes, they way home. And I remember how to get there now. It is close to the Lake of Still Waters."
"Then you will be home by this night. We are here the Still Waters. Come, let's see if the Gypsy Girl has restored Tourist mind."
After the Gypsy Girl was told of the Tourist plight, she discovered that an enchantment had been placed upon him, the same enchantment that hid TinTin from Arlene. She turned to the girl and told her to play the music she had found, but not on the flute, but the violin. And as Arlene did, something magical begin to happen. From the depths of the Still Waters, a man rose, and flew to Tourist and broke the enchantments that prevented the Tourist and Duchess from knowing their hearts. And then, he flew to the Mount of TinTin and touched the Mountains, which turned into another man, the one who loved Arlene, Tintin. And within the hour, a double wedding occurred.
"Now," said Arwin83 to MissCris and Pipp, "It's time for you girls to go home. You know the way. Thank you for helping us discover the truth and free our friends."
And with that, MissCris and Pipp walked off into the sunset back to their homes.
The End