I believe God is the all knowing..... He knows every single thing... Choice.... Thought.... Action that we are going to take, to the day we die. Did I marry my first husband because I wanted too.? .... Yes...... Did I go to God with it for clarification? No..... I already felt in my heart that I shouldn't BUT HAD A CHOICE to listen to God. I believe God honored that marriage because we have free will but he knew the path of my choosing what all would happen..... He saw the bigger picture. He still wanted me to to fight for our marriage and I did what he wanted. Should have I listened to him from the beginning..... Who knows what I could of saved myself from... But nonetheless I can't take it back and I don't regret anything because I learned and now I know what to do.
I can t imagine our God throw people on earth and give us certain people who we could be compatible with and let us have free reign and that be His will. He wants us to trust him and seek him with everything and be content with where we are in life. My opinion is God is the all knowing.... When we walk in his path God will give us our spouse in His time and will change our heart when we seek him to show us if that person he has placed before us is the person he wants us to be with. It's trusting God that he will provide and bless us when he sees two people ready honoring him to join together. So as a couple seeking God... Loving Christ as Christ loves the church, He will be pleased. What a great blessing when God brings two people together.
So with that said.... I think the word soulmate is just a word describing when two people go to God and asks him for His guidance on who he would like them to be with and when they feel God has brought them together.... Their souls are United.... . And therefore people will feel like they met their "soulmate".
I can t imagine our God throw people on earth and give us certain people who we could be compatible with and let us have free reign and that be His will. He wants us to trust him and seek him with everything and be content with where we are in life. My opinion is God is the all knowing.... When we walk in his path God will give us our spouse in His time and will change our heart when we seek him to show us if that person he has placed before us is the person he wants us to be with. It's trusting God that he will provide and bless us when he sees two people ready honoring him to join together. So as a couple seeking God... Loving Christ as Christ loves the church, He will be pleased. What a great blessing when God brings two people together.
So with that said.... I think the word soulmate is just a word describing when two people go to God and asks him for His guidance on who he would like them to be with and when they feel God has brought them together.... Their souls are United.... . And therefore people will feel like they met their "soulmate".