each version has its weaknesses and strengths
the kjv weakness is you had 52 guys who were church of england once saved always saved predsetinationists who really got some verses pretty unclear on that
they also removed the SABBATH DAY from the new testament 82 times and twisted PASSOVER into EASTER
so there is some problems with KJV
removing scriptures and supstituting other words makes it unclear
also king james was a king and did not want to kneel donw to God to pray so he had them change ALL the bible verses that said BARAK (KNEEL DOWN) to another word called blessed
which means nothing at all
so he didnt have to kneel
there are several other words they CHANGED just to suit their religion and ADDED GREEL MYTHOLOGY in HELL and changed
"Completely burned up" to ETERNAL BURNING which is false for hell
all you have to do is click on the strongs words and you will see lots of words they absolutely just changed whenever they felt like it
when you read other versions, they were not CHURCH OF ENGLAND so they didnt twist those texts they twisted OTHER TEXTS
the NIV in hebrews 12:9 acutally left in the SABBATH DAY WORSHIP instead of changing it to WEEK
so bottome line is
read as many versions as you can
when they differe from the KJV
then look it up
you will find about 50 % of the time the KJV is just bad word choice from original language and 50% it is right and good
anyway it makes you study
now the BAPTISTS and a few others SWEAR by the kjv
because it is the only version that supports the false doctrines of once saved always saved (because church of england twisted key verses) and other versions dont support their theiries on predestination either
so they naturally
because they dont study
think the other versions are WRONG
when actualy the other versions are RIGHT
funny isnt it?
pray and read many versions God will give us the truth
click on the strongs numbers and you will get the real bible but it takes time
so easier to get a 4 version parallel bible and read that
very good way to study
when it contradicts with a kjv verse
get the concordance out and look it up
if it is about predestination and once saved always saved the kjv will always be wrong obvious twisting ...
we see through a glass darkly
but one thing you should do is look up all texts on BLESS in kjv and when you see that word you should say outlout
KNEEL DOWN for that is what bless means
but they wont tell you that
every WEEK in the kjv shoueld be actually SABBATH DAY instead
85 times the Sabbath was REMOVED FOR NO GOOD REASON for kjv, because
because they kept sunday
and they didnt want to keep sabbath
funny, isnt it?
no wonder baptists go fanatic over kjv it supports their doctrines, albight falsley.
First, what perfect translation are you comparing the KJV, too?
Which Greek manuscripts are you basing your NT view off of?
Have you confirmed with observational evidence that the Greek manuscripts you are looking to are perfect and without error?
Did you know there are two major sets of Greek manuscripts that all translations are based off today?
Second, when you compare the KJV next to the Modern Versions, it is a living nightmare. So much is changed for the worse and not for the better.
Third, you are using human reason and understanding when you are seeing errors in the KJV where none exist. Anyone can point out a supposed contradiction. It is quite another matter to actually be able to prove that is an actual contradiction or not.
Fourth, in my walk with God, there has been some really tough supposed contradictions that were thrown my way concerning the KJV. But you know what? I was able to resolve each and everyone one of them in time with the help from my God. But hey. If you want to see error, that's what you are always going to see. The atheists see all kinds of errors in the Bible where none exist, too. That's kind of the point I am getting at.