Didn't mean to take this long to come back to the baptism discussion; a customer showed up.
First off,
I ABSOLUTELY agree with you all that one doesn't need to be baptized to be saved, and there are multiple verses that back us up; it's the blood of Jesus that saves us, thankfully
. I see no reason not to look at it as being a public confession of faith; something that one would do to sort of announce to the world (or at least their community) that they are now officially following Jesus Christ and are a member of His family. I understand the church requiring classes to join that church. However, confirming that someone has enough knowledge about Jesus and His sacrifice to baptize him or her should only take a few minutes IMO* (and judging from the passage of scripture I quoted, I believe the Bible backs me up). Apparently the classes that Emily took were many; missing just 3 of them out of what sounded like a large number really makes it sound to me like they were covering really specific stuff that they shouldn't consider to be necessary for baptism. Also, they apparently didn't let her know ahead of time that she hadn't learned enough or whatever; I believe they told her the day of the baptism. Some churches as so legalistic that I hate to tell Emily to go back to them and see if she can learn enough to please them. I know so little about Emmy's church.
As to whether or not Emily could consider herself baptized or not if she immersed herself, I talked to a pastor about it. He couldn't think of any reason that it'd be against the Bible to dunk one's self if no other Christian was available. However, he said, he personally believes that it would be better to have another Christian do the dunking, partly because there are apparently some of them around, but also because it would be more meaningful to Emily (and possibly for other reasons as well). He agreed with me that there wouldn't need to be an official clergy member present; just another believer. Although he didn't mention this, I'd recommend letting the Christian who immerses you be one that is as strong a believer as is readily available, partly because you'll probably get quite attached to him or her emotionally.
How about this, Emily: what if you dedicate your life to Jesus in the way I mentioned in post # 20,124 and wait until you can get another believer to baptize you physically in water, rather than self-dunking? You can let it be a "heart thing", Sis; He knows yours even better than you do; He ABSOLUTELY ADORES YOU, EMILY :'). Ask Jesus to fill your heart to overflowing with His love, and thank Him for dying on the cross for your sins. Ask Him to help you follow Him, and to show you what to do next in life; He can guide your steps. Ask Him to fill you with the power of the Holy Spirit and to keep you right on track with Him. I just now prayed all those things for you, though it's up to you as well; if you ask those things for yourself it would be better. He's a gentleman and doesn't force Himself on us. I hope you keep staying in touch with your family on this site as well, and please let us know when you do get a chance to get dunked, Emily
Before I posted this, I checked first to see if there was anything new to which to respond. Concerning Baba (in Cinder's post), if she thinks that she has to do stuff for God in order to be saved, it sounds like salvation wasn't explained to her enough in the first place, honestly. If she thought that the baptism was what made her a Christian, then it wasn't right to baptize her at all, IMO (NOT saying that to throw stones at Cinder). Rather, it should be looked at as "okay, I'm going to try to follow Jesus. If I mess up, call me out on it, because I'm telling you now that I'm officially a member of your family". That "watch-out-for-me" attitude should include saying "Baba, you need to read your Bible. If you truly honor Jesus' sacrifice for you, you need to show it; He's worth it, times infinity. Do you appreciate Him or not?". We're supposed to go to a brother or sister if he or she sins, first personally, then with another believer if needed, then in front of the whole church, if the person still won't repent. If even that won't do it, then he or she can no longer be a church member (Matthew 18:15-17). However,if someone is like "What?!?!? He came to Earth and died for me?!?! How can I serve Him; this is amazing?!", like the eunuch in the scripture, it's different from "oh, this sounds good; kinda like my old way of doing it, yet this sounds easier, and the music is more my style". This is one reason why, for the less-enthusiastic, rather than classes, I'd recommend that they be "watched", sort of; they can take all the classes in the world and still not believe it. Maybe better to wait until the fruit starts to show... I'd been a believer for years before I was dunked.
Sorry this post rambles a bit, people; it's late now, and I think this is everything on my mind
* One thought, though, if the eunuch in Acts chapter 8 hadn't himself asked if he could be baptized, or had shown little enthusiasm, I wonder if a little bit more devotion would've been proper to have been shown before baptism. I don't recommend trying to push anyone into getting baptized.
TLDNR: I totally agree with y'all on not having to get baptized to be saved, but there were other things I addressed, including Cinder's post and a prayer for Dubs.