Well I just explained how you can have 'Earth' (
erets) Genesis 1:1, and 'earth' Isaiah 24 (
ah-adamah) which translates specificall soil, or ground, so how do we know the difference? Because there is a difference in the words.
I apologize for not being clearer. If I remember correctly you have accepted that the Earth is a sphere. Yet, as was already pointed out that was not the cosmological view that the Patriarchs accepted and likely not the view that many if not all the Church fathers held (hard to say since Aristarchus' heliocentric theory was developed in 3rd Century BC) The difference I am refering to is both determining what is figurative language and when to accept some literal passages that depict a flat Earth but not all.
Well they are defined, it quite simple, there are two universal models, one is heliocentric and one is geocentric, either one can say that the Earth revolves around the sataionary sun, or the the sun revolves around the stationary Earth, one cannot maintain both models, that would be a contradiction, it would be a mistake to argue that the Bible is maintaining both models, it is not, as I have explained, the Biblical record is strictly Geocentric, a Fixed, stationary Earth that was created to be the centre of the Universe and was created before the sun and moon and stars, which puts the Earth as the greater body, with more 'gravitas' so to speak in Latin. Now you can either believe the Biblical record or not, secular scientists do not believe the Bible, but neither have they been able to prove by experiment that the Earth moves, that is unproven.
There is more than one geocentric model. Ptolemy and Tyco Brahe both are geocentric but they do not agree on the model. It is not as simple as saying if it is geocentric it is true. Which model is true?
Personally, I don't think the sun is the center of the universe. It is the center of the solar system. The sun is not even close to the center of the galaxy and there are more galaxies than I can count. The galaxy is not static in my opinion. The Milky Way moves. The sun (that I believe we orbit) is in one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way. Therefore, as part of the Milky Way, the sun is in motion through the universe as is the rest of the solar system. Our solar system is the equivelant of a celestial back water.
I don't think the Bible maintains either geocentric and heliocnetric models in any variation as true. I think the Bible while 100% inspired and authoritative is written from the perspective of "the man on the ground" so to speak. I do think at various points in history men have looked to the Bible to be a scientific document and have come up with theories based on that desire. Rarely do we actually see the events from God's perspective. For example the Pentatuch is told as a third person narrative by Moses. It is not told by God from His perspective. He inspired Moses who wrote truth from a perspective. That does not make truth subjective. Just not universally literal.
Tyco Brahe was right.
The Geocentric model has been around for thousands of years, it not like a developing some revolutionary new concept.
When the Bible says that the sun was stopped, and then set in motion again, it means exactly that, the words themselves actually define motion as we understand motion, and stopping of motion as we understand something moving being stopped from moving and then moving again. Even when the Bible says the sun rises and sets, it refers to movement of the sun, should I doubt God, no I don't doubt Him, in fact all valid science experiments conclude the Earth is stationary, cannot detect any movement whatsoever, does not feel like we are moving, does not look like it, my eyes register the movement of the sun, Bible says the sun is moving. I mean I could just place a giant treadmill at the UN and have it run countercloockwise at 1000 mph and also a giant exhaust turbines to simulate 1000 mph headwind and have heliocentrist antiBible bureaucrats test out their own theory, I would be happy to watch and record the results, I will even organize an ambulance to be present.