I'm not just sitting around and waiting. I'm trying to make more friends, but I'm not that good with making friends thanks to my shyness. >_<
Also, James 4 says that we do not have because we do not ask God and when we ask, we do not receive because we ask with the wrong motives. The next question is to find out the motive behind your request. Is it to develop a relationship that honors God, lifts up each other, and is a witness to others, or is it simply to rid yourself of loneliness? There are other ways to cure loneliness that do not involve anyone from the opposite gender.
Well, It's not just to fix my lonelyness. I mean Jesus would be the center of the relationship.
thanks, and the hard for me to trying to know God better, and love him more.
I didn't read all of the other responses, so forgive me if someone already said this.
Based on what you have written in responses to all of this it would seem like(correct me if I'm wrong) that you are trying to have a better relationship with God by doing good things or holding on to good moral standards. While there is some reward in doing good things, it is really easy to fall under the curse of the law that Paul describes in Romans 7 and 8. When your relationship with God is based on what you do, and you feel like you have to earn your way into God's good graces, you have a relationship under the law and not under Grace.
There is absolutely nothing you can do that would increase the Love that God has for you now. The other good news is that God's Love for you in incomprehensible. I know it may not be obvious, but when you put that list of things up, some of the items seem to be to try to gain approval from other people. It seems like you are measuring your relationships based on what you do, rather than purposing to grow in love in the relationship.
People who have performance-oriented relationships with other people have a tendency to have the same kind of relationship with God. It is the most natural thing for people who are so used to approaching relationships this way. But
God does not honor performance-oriented relationships because
Jesus died on the cross and already earn God's Grace and favor for you. The standards of God are impossible to keep on your own. Let me say it again. God expectations of you are impossible when you try to fulfill them on your own. The only way to meet these, is by the Holy Spirit. This is why Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit (who is called the Helper and the Counselor).
Because of the blood of Jesus, any favor that you gain from God is completely by Grace. Jesus is the one who did all the right things for you. You are already highly favored by God and Loved by Him. This is the position that born again believers should approach God at all times. So when you approach God, you can pray in confidence that He Loves you and hears you despite what you have done, or didn't do. The blood of Jesus covers sin. But when you come to Him with an attitude of "look at all the things I have in line today, please bless me", then God has to judge you according to the letter of the law. Paul explains this exhaustively in Romans.
The old convenant proved that we as humans can't do it on our own. God obviously realizes this, which is why He sent Jesus to die on the cross for you. The blood of Jesus gives you the righteousness of Christ. When God looks at you He sees you like He sees Jesus.
I am in no way trying to criticize your walk, but I have the hope that at least some of what I wrote to you is helpful to you in your quest to get closer to God. Wrong mindsets about how to approach relationship to God can put heavy burdens on you that God never intended for you. Approach God in prayer like you are currently His beloved son that He is pleased with.
Changing the way you think on this is essential.
God Bless,