you tried it before? hmm....was it 100% ? it wouldn't work if you were not giving it to Him 100%, worried about who you're going to date, worried about many things. To give it to Him fully 100% is to give everything to Him, not worry about one detail of your life and trusting in Him. God will give you peace, joy, and happiness, because He fulfills all of our needs. He is everything! While being single, single people need to focus on trying to find their calling, and passions in life. And also to do the will of God. Look at Adam, when he was single, he didn't worry about who he was going to marry and date. He gave it all to God, knowing that in His time He was going to provide. Not only that, while being single, Adam was busy with doing the will of God and getting things done. Like Adam in his singlehood, we as well need to be striving the best we can be and doing God's will and not worry about it! Adam gave his singleness to God, and God gave it back to him...Eve. When you give time to God, He will give it to you's all about utting Him first in our lives.