J Vernon McGee observed that when the Lord gave Israel the Law of Moses, it had feasts, but not fasts. And sure enough, if you search the Torah for "fast," you don't find it. However, the Great Day of Atonement was a fast, though the word "fast" is not used there. I think that Acts refers to it as "the fast." I think that "afflict one's soul" with ref to the Day of Atonement, implies fast.
Now these things in Moses are shadows & types, done away with at the cross, with all the Law, though part of the Law is of universal application (like love neighbor as self).
Now as for me, I greatly prefer feasts to fasts.
I don't find fasts commanded to the Church.
The problem with feasts is that I gain weight easily, so I have to búffet my body instead of bufféting my body.
But as a rule, let's vote in favor of keeping feasts, like Thanksgiving & Christmas Dinner.
How well I recall our annual "Rally Day" at church, where we had this humungous spread on the lawn after church that special Sunday. I think that Sunday must have been the most attended Sunday of the year.
Should we start Belly-Christian's Anonymous?