I don { t agree with your pastor. Never!
Do you agree with my pastor in that you think I have to tell my husband the full detail of everything in order to be forgiven by God? My pastor says that unless my husband forgives me God will not forgive me.
There was a time, before I got divorced, I knew details I did not need. My ex wife had sex with someone she loved (perhaps something more than sexually) so, SPIRITUALLY the important thing is regreting what you have done but,if you badly need SEX or affection -outside matrimony- you would keep it on, and that is the sin GOD would not like and that is what your husband would badly regret.
Who would you hurt, your husband or GOD?
Who would you miss, your husband, that visceral pleasure your are seeking or finding outside that legal relationship or God´s healing?
I think this is enough for you to think!
Dont tell him: I have enjoyed being with another man. Dont tell him, he made me feel and never tell him those datails, EXCEPT TO GOD and,if you planto keep on doing it, please, be divorced, because emotionally you are divorced. No doubt you missed something you dont have with the manyou are married and, probably, he is not awareyou are a human being and, probably, he is also hindered or uninformed of those things you badly liked or missed, that you were lured away, butGOD can forgive you if you face it, with its consequences.
Signs: An ex-adulterer and divorced man.
Antonio Toro