Cycel said:
You are missing some important information. First, DNA has never been found in dinosaur remains, but they are looking for it. Horner explained that their hopes are not high.
Notice I put the "can" in quotes. I suggest you read up on the past 30 years of progress extracting DNA from dinosaur bones. If you have access to a typical university science department or government subscription you can find hundreds of actual science articles on the subject. I think this one is free.
I don’t have such access, but if you do then give me some pertinent quotes. Not sure why you linked me to this article. It undermines your point but makes mine.
“However, due to the enormous power of PCR to amplify even a few copies of DNA sequences, modern DNA contamination has become a crucial problem. For this reason, many of the most extravagant reports on ancient DNA, including claims of DNA sequences surviving for millions of years in plants [6-8] and dinosaur bones [9], have been disputed and actually disregarded.”
This was the only reference to dinosaur DNA I could locate in the research paper you linked me with.
Look, Horner's team has actively been searching for dinosaur DNA. They have not found any. ColinCat pointed out that the one early such claim he knew of had been discounted by paleontologists (it was probably the one mentioned in the paper you linked above). It was the result of cross contamination. No evidence has ever been found for your claim, though it is frequently asserted to be true in creationist circles. Fact: if there was any truth in this claim the information would be widely available.
Word_Swordsman said:
"First, DNA has never been found in dinosaur remains," . DNA is in fact being extracted, has been for decades, but much of the early work has been ignored/dismissed for various reasons. But the research persists because there is DNA and it can be extracted by improved methods today, but the main problem is rarity of enough sample to carry out worthwhile research, such as from one molecule.
From one molecule???
Ancient DNA is being extracted, yes, but the oldest confirmed to date has been from an extinct species of equine that was some 700,000 years old. My understanding is that the remains had been frozen since death, hence the superb level of preservation. Dinosaurs existed long before the ice age so no hope there.
Dinosaurs and humans did not co-exist. If they did we would have ample DNA to prove it. There is none, despite Creationist claims to the contrary.