Of course, Jack. The granite support of the earth's crust, the amazingly deep sedimentary strata showing rare deformity, practically no sign of any erosion expected in strata separated by millions of years of deposition and erosion. WOW, thousands of feet of geologic column without erosion of each stratum over hundreds of millions of years!
But I am aware there's been some dispute over the 4,00
4. A few years up or down doesn't matter.
Ussher is not a necessary player for young earth advocates. The science is doing a better job. But I see you still avoid the true science link, or are a bit intimidated about discussing such things. I understand why, that atheist-inspired evilutionary bias getting in the way. Many are being cured of that these days. All it takes is letting God open your eyes.
Did you look over that radiometric article series I linked to?
Clocks in Rocks? Radioactive Dating, Part 1
by Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. The Institute for Creation Research
Nuclear physics guy there. Not your typical evolutionist "scientist" that is interested only in refuting expert knowledge. But I will assume you are in favor of examining all the evidence in the spirit of the true science method. Be sure to move on to Part 2. He's a brilliant man. I do realize the atheists are already attacking that, but they lack professionalism and integrity, are ignoring the science method, blindly defending the indefensible like Nazis defending racism. But you can rise above the hyena pack mentality, sir.