Here is the "missing link"
His name is the Son of God ..... Jesus Christ
Hi Straightshot,
You are off the mark, but I don't think you are aware of it. Creationists often think of evolution as being like a ladder with humans at the top, at the very pinnacle of creation. Because they see life as a hierarchy they expect that if evolution is true then there must be missing links, ie. missing steps on the ladder leading to man. However, evolution is better understood not as a ladder, but as a bush with many diverging branches. What this means is that one species does not arrive at the very moment another one disappears, rather any given lineage will continuously branch as it morphs, and each line will head in any number of directions.
Our own human lineage is perhaps one of the best examples of this branching and slow morphing from one phenotype to another, and should be easy – especially easy – for a creationist to understand. Start with Noah and his seven sons. From that phenotype, whatever it was, they then evolved into all the racial types we find in the world today, from Africa through the Middle East, into India and Asia, to Australia and North and South America and throughout Europe, north to south.
I don’t need to point out the obvious physical differences between an African Pygmy and someone from Japan or a Nordic Swede. That they all evolved from a single phenotype into the variety that now exists is as much a requirement of the Genesis flood story, as it is of evolution. However, should I now ask you to provide the missing link between any of these three, can you do it? Can you show me a missing link between the African Pygmy and someone from the island of Japan? Do you see the difficulty in such a request? First, you are not looking for a missing link, but rather you must search for a common ancestor of the two. Can you find it? You know a common ancestor must exist if the biblical flood account is true, so point me to the fossil of that common ancestor. Now, if you find it, you must locate a series of further fossils demonstrating the progression from that centre point to each of the two end stages (Pygmy and Japanese) to prove that the two are actually connected.
You have an hypothesis based upon your understanding of Genesis that the Pygmy and the Japanese are related to one another, but prove to me these were not two separate creation events by establishing a fossil trail. You expect this of anyone promoting evolution, so prove your own claim the same way. Do you see the difficulty? There really are no missing links. There are only common ancestors and slow progressions as one phenotype transforms gradually into another.