I often daydreamed of living in a cave. Whenever times got really rough and I was struggling with family or work, I thought running away to go live in a cave with just a few sticks of furniture and a kitty cat sounded quite nice. There was only one thing that stopped me: snakes! \
Seriously though, I love studying about quantum physics, astronomy, geography, plate tectonics, DNA, and everything that God created with His Word. It's a privilege to have a minute understanding of the miraculous power of our Creator. But as for mankind attempting to grasp the every how & when & why of God's handiwork, I laugh. Every single thing we think we have discovered winds up getting debunked by the next thing. Or else we see a fraction of an anti-quark of some minute idea and we proclaim, "Voilà! Now we know." But we don't know. Everything is a theory. We don't understand gravity, we can't measure time because it really doesn't exist, space-time is relative, are we expanding or contracting, how can space be infinite, etc., etc. We find a piece of a bone and claim the whole of creation began with it. I laugh with God because it's absurd. We don't know and we never will till we stand beside Him and say, "Oh wow Lord, that's cool. It makes sense now."
The most important thing to remember is that you can't unite man's intellect with God's spirituality. In Romans 8:7 it is written:
The mind governed by the flesh (carnal, man's intellect) is hostile to God, because it does not submit itself to God's law, for it is unable (impossible) to do so.
So I just enjoy being amazed and thrilled and flabbergasted at the wonderful works of the Lord while understanding that I will never grasp it completely until I'm with Him face to face.

Caves in Spain - Renovating & Living in a Spanish Cave