I don't know who Adam Clarke is and don't care about his opinion. If you think I am parroting some ignorant idea than so are you! You are parroting Adam Clarke.
Also, I did not say that Christ went in hell. I said He went in Hades. Hell and Hades are not the same thing.
Hades is the dominion of death. And what did Christ come for? To conquer death. To reverse the fall. To save Adam (also).
So, it makes a lot more sense to me that Christ descended to Hades, broke the gates of it and rescued all those who were imprisoned by death (both righteous and unrighteous).
In case you did 't know, that' s what we, christians, celebrate at Easter: the conquering of death, the passing from death to life, the resurrection of Christ. We, christians, celebrate life, not death. God is God of life, not of death.
I brought Clarke's writing up as an example of how that scripture should be understood. He, for the most part, studies on the meaning of scripture, not to add words, as you are doing.
That passage says nothing about hades or hell. That is a man's distortion of the word. You didn't come up with that on your own, and had you studied scripture, you wouldn't go along with such a notion. Therefore it becomes clear that you are indeed parroting another's words.
Easter is a pagan holiday that man has insinuated into the church. It has nothing to do with Christ, that is only an excuse for having it in church. Christ said to observe His death, to wash each others feet.....does your church do those? When is the last time you washed another believers feet? Never? Yet you celebrate easter every year like clockwork. Something Christ never so much as mentioned.
Me, to celebrate Christ, I obey what HE says, not man.
Again I will call your attention to your own words: "I said He went in Hades. Hell and Hades are not the same thing.
Hades is the dominion of death. And what did Christ come for? To conquer death. To reverse the fall."
Christ came to bring salvation to you and I. That is what the bible says, not to "conquer death".
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You ever hear that scripture before? Christ came so that we wouldn't perish. Christ didn't have to die on the cross to abolish death. God could have put satan in hell without His Son having to go thru agony. It happened so that we would be saved.
That is the only reason for Christ's appearance and death on this planet.