]Personally, I value Dr. Hurd's contributions[/U], and I am a Christian. I perceive his objective as educating people, for the most part.
Has Dr. Hurd provided much credible information regarding dinosaurs, dating methods for determining the age of fossils, and related matters?
SO Jack, you follow the views of someone who by his own testimony cannot know what he is talking about and still waiting on the answer to the following line of truth from the good ole Doctor's mouth.....
I am still waiting on a logical answer to my question.....
Re: What of the dinosaurs?
Originally Posted by
I think the easiest path to atheism is Bible, or Q'uran study coupled with discussions with fervent creationists.
I still stuggle to maintain a properly scientific
agnostic perspective.
My Quote begins here!
Definition of
AGNOSTIC 1 : a person who holds the view that
any ultimate reality (as God)
is unknown and probably unknowable
If you are really agnostic by definition then your view and what you believe and teach is a total farce because according to your belief ANY REALITY (including the age of the earth, dino bones and evolution to name a few ) is UNKNOWN and probably UNKNOWABLE....
you argue that which you do not know and or cannot know according your own testimony!
How does that jive with your most highly prized education, and boast concerning your education, and what you say you know....Just asking?