Trolls are heavily attracted to Christian venues. The object is to get attention, have impact on people, a sociopathic personality phenomenon that feeds best on people with deeply held convictions of some sort to jerk around. Many people here don't know they're being played, and it never ends, as long as they are getting the attention they crave.
Throw in the deceivers and cults, tares among the wheat.
Yes, it is sad people like to invite Satan in for a chat throughout the day. If folks claiming to be Christians actually read and studied their Bible they wouldn't have more than 10 minutes a day arguing with him. Jesus cut it short by quoting three scriptures to his lies that actually sounded quite theologically correct. So what to do with lies outside of the Bible venue, based on a "science" that must constantly be adjusted to fit empirical evidences?
Notice that they now call what science once called "Varieties" of "species", which without modern genetics knowledge actually had a classification system in agreement with modern genetics knowledge. Genetic diversity of biblical "kinds" should have been sufficient understanding, limiting "species" counts to hundreds. But by changing the definition of species they then confuse all with millions of "species", disregarding genetic diversity of the power of DNA/RNA to produce a variety of animals and plants suited for whatever environmental changes they normally encounter.
But even so, the average size of animals taken aboard the ark of Noah was about that of a modern mouse. Insect eggs and larvae are being found frozen, reviving upon thawing. I order "live" frozen catalpa "worms" for fishing for crappie and bluegill fish in the spring, wriggling like nothing happened after being frozen alive the past summer. Frozen bacteria survive quite well over thousands of years. Not so many "species" of animals were needed if one kept with the "kinds" God created that needed man's help surviving that year. Hoe many "kinds" of animals would have been satisfied living on the strands of plants that fed the animals? How much food would it require to feed an average animal size of a mouse? The Ark had the carrying capacity equivalent to about 570 modern train boxcars.
Evolutionist atheists are desperate to "prove" God's word is wrong somewhere in the Bible. If true they know there's a terrible judgment coming to them, so this is a continual fight for their choice to simply die with no further responsibility for the lives they attempt to destroy on earth. These evolutionists here are obviously enemies of God, though they are blinded and don't believe in a God at all. That is worse than what Satan did, who knew God personally, being His heavenly choir director. So it is that millions of evolutionist atheists set to destroy the children of God are deceived by a choir director. No wonder we sometimes learn of a church choir director running off with a pastor's wife. Consider the source.
Today there are some who promote rejection of the American way due to rejection of part of our judicial system. It is obvious the current challenge is not based on actual evidence, but upon an agenda of "change" for the better or worse, none promoting a workable alternative system. The same is true of the ongoing attack on the testimony of God.