Often people confuse a reserved, slow to speak, or let's just say outward appearance of maturity for real maturity. But let's dissect the word mature for a moment. fully developed in body or mind, as a person:a mature woman.
4.pertaining to or characteristic of full development:a mature appearance; fruit with a mature softness.
5.completed, perfected, or elaborated in full by the mind:mature plans.
A person can give an outward appearance of maturity, yet be childish in their mindset.
Most people are superficial and judge a person's maturity based on their outward appearance.
I personally think maturity is a product of acquiring wisdom over the years. And this could come from life experiences, that shape and mold a person's mind into maturity. I don't think just because a person likes to joke around a lot necessarily means they are immature. Life experiences and knowledge and wisdom they have acquired in their lifetime is what matures a person's mind.
My sister for example has been "mistaken for mature" because of her false outward appearance, but in reality she has the mind of a child. When judging a person's character it is important to see past the outward appearance of a person which is often deceptive, and look and see what is really going on inside of the person. I hate to put my sister on blast like this, but no one here knows her anyway, so. My sister is a drama queen, petty, jealous, spoiled, evil, controlling, amongst other things. Yet, people think she is mature because she is a good actress. So it is important not to judge a person's maturity level by their outward appearance because maturity has little to do with the outside and more of what is going on in a person's mind.
You strike me as a very mature woman by the way.