Most ladies I know struggle to keep up with every expectation placed on them:
Be a good christian (read Bible and pray daily, attend church 2x weekly)
Be a caring, loving wife
Be a caring mother (this is a full time job)
Hold down a job
Prepare nutritious meals (and for others who are sick, grieving or rejoicing)
Keep a tidy house
Shop for the necessities of running a home
Be the social planner of the home
Keep up physical appearances
Interact with or take care of extended family
Have interesting hobbies
Be educated on books, politics and current events
Now, I am not saying men have it easier. I am pointing this list out so maybe you could have an honest discussion with her about your preferences. My husband likes a tidy, organized home, so we have twice monthly maids and take out about 2x a week, leaving me more time and energy for cleaning. I need to spend time with God and exercise to be happy, therefore those are high on my list. Being extremely social isn't high on either of our lists. I work part time, he has to work insane hours at his job.
I guess I said all that to say this, your family's priorities must work for all those in your family. Everyone gets what they need and everyone sacrifices something they may want, it will help her if you honestly (and caringly) communicate what you would like her to focus on and what to let go of. Also, realize that maybe hard on her because of her upbringing or personality.
May God knit your marriage together tighter than ever.