Will a christian enter hell if he/she commits suicide when the person was under severe stress and pain from people around him/her .
The concept of "hell" may rather be a lot more complex than we've been taught. But in any case, suicide is simply a bad idea in the sense that it's synonymous to "quitting".
You see, life is a story... and just like in any story, you have a Protagonist who must face challenges along the way, and ultimately reveal to us (the audience) who he/she really is. This person may be a lawyer, a musician, a christian as well as a husband. He may also be a tennis player, and soccer. All these features are nothing but "characterization". The one and only thing that will reveal "character" is: What decision he/she makes whenever a GAP breaks open between EXPECTATIONS and RESULTS.
Say he comes back home expecting his wife cooking dinner... but then he finds her in bed with another man. What we (the audience) will do is sit back in our seats and say: "Holly molly... this is gonna be interesting. What's he gonna do now? what's he gonna do?"
If the guy takes a gun and shoots himself, well that's the end of it. The story/movie ends right there... and as we leave the theater, each one of us will be thinking "What a looser"
According to the apostle Paul, "… suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character..." (Romans 5:3) So I say to you; every challenge that comes along, take it as an opportunity to reveal to the world who you really are; and by that I mean the man Jesus Christ far deep inside you; the superman, the unbreakable, the unbeatable.
"You are the light of the world" it was told. Well, soon the world will see your actions and praise our Father in Heaven. They will come to you and say: "You really are a man of God. I wish I was like you. Will you please tell me how you do it?"