This is how I feel to, if these things were to actually be released more openly and more frequently without opposition from our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Just think how curious it would make those who are not yet believers come and look into the faith even closer then they did before.
Everything works for God's purpose and will here on earth.
I understand your perspective, and I understand all of the sincere intentions behind it.
It would be WONDERFUL if some archeaological discoveries were made which were SO PROFOUND that they would lead many people to Christ. That would be truly wonderful. I agree.
But we have a problem.
The scripture says that evidence, factual evidence, is not enough to change the hearts of unbelievers.
Lost people disbelieve by CHOICE, not by lack of evidence.
Luk 16:31
"And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Christ explains in the above verse that CLEAR FACTUAL EVIDENCE, EVEN A MIRACLE RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU... is just not enough to make the unbeliever turn to belief.
Some people think that if we eventually locate Noah's arc, then all the unbelievers will see it and be turned into believers.
But Christ says that is simply not true.
People disbelieve by CHOICE... not by lack of evidence.
Facts, even miracles, are not enough to change their minds.
I would LOVE for us to make some great archaeological discovery that was so great all the lost would come to Christ.
But that is contrary to scripture.
There is ALREADY plenty of EVIDENCE to believe in God... people just choose not to believe.
So, I completely agree with your good desires, and good intentions, for people to come to Christ.
Digging up new things DOES often support the bible... but it doesn't bring the lost into the light.