well, God's Word says so many times to keep, honor, and observe the Sabbath; and gentiles as well as Jews all did, including visitors to the Jews, and slaves, and animals,
it is one of the ten words of yahweh, that he himself wrote on the stone with his own finger of fire(double check this),
and Jesus always observed the Sabbath perfectly, (not like the talmudic keepers, who instituted man's traditions over and above Yahweh's Word),
and Jesus taught all of His disciples likewise, by Word, and by THE WORD, and by example, never deviating from doing the word; never deviating from doing what ABBA SAYS to do. (i.e. not just a hearer only, but a doer of ALL that Yahweh says to do, always in line with ALL TORAH, not picking a little here/a little there to observe).
and the sons of the devil heard Jesus also;
like the disciples also heard Jesus teach;
who did what Jesus said to do ? the sons of the devil !? NO! obviously not.
the disciples did what Jesus said to do; except again of course the son of perdition who betrayed the Savior.
and, of course,
the many disciples who walked away from Jesus saying "this is too hard"; when Jesus' word was too hard for them.
and Jesus asked Peter if he too would leave, when many other disciples who had been with them walked away.
so it is today, as it is written;
most walk away from Jesus, instead of doing what He says today, because .... ... ..
(.... those who are appointed to life, already know; or look it up. those appointed to walk away , walk away).
Revelation 4-9,Proverbs 13,Psalm 61-65 NLT - Worship in Heaven ...
It fell on
third of the rivers and on the springs of water. ... [SUP]20[/SUP] But the people
who did not die in these plagues still refused to
repent of their evil .....
though God is merciful and patient, until the time is up >
2 Peter 3:9 - Bible Gateway
9 The Lord is not slow to do what he has promised, as some think. .... 9 He isn't
really being slow about his promised return, even though it sometimes seems
that way. .... He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to
did anyone say anything about abortion earlier? i missed it. yes-it is murder, and idolatry, and selfishness, and witchcraft (in the original languages).