The furnace is on the fritz. Good time for it to go all's currently -18 degrees outside. I mean, it's working, but it's being super weird. Kicking on and off every couple of minutes. I wonder if a good, hard kick to the front of it would help anything, or just break my toe?
In other news, it's been a pleasant evening of painting- did some reading on abstract painting, which I think is only logical for me, and I've got four small, square canvases that I'm working on now. The only possible end result for this is awesomeness, even if I screw it up really badly.
I've just remembered that I have a dentist appointment in the morning. Stupid teeth. UGH. Here's hoping my van will start. Or maybe here's hoping it won't...? If it does actually start in these temperatures, it will be the best vehicle I've ever owned. I might have to name it. Good heavens, what kind of name do you give a mini van? Gerty? Sabrina? Yolanda?
Yeah, nevermind.