After seeing all the gifs... I think I'm afraid to answer!!! I'm thinking of a song... "That's what happens when a volcano meets a tornado..." -- Eminem.
I also don't want to give away any trademarked secrets.

I'd actually wanted to start a thread about this very topic but StillWaters beat me to it!! This is at least the second time he's posted a similar thread idea I had before I could get to it so I guess my new strategy is, try to be one step ahead of Stilly!
Doesn't everyone know the best way to write a thread is to post a bunch of subjects up on a dartboard and then casually throw at least 3 darts at the same time? Voila!!
My mind is running all the time, so ideas can come from anything--conversations, interactions, things I've read, a sermon... Much like Grace-Like-Rain's example, I usually form a makeshift outline and "diagram" my idea, though it usually comes out more like chicken scratch scrawls on the back of a napkin while on a break.
There are so many times I hear, see, or read something I wish I had someone to discuss it with (I spent Christmas day watching documentaries on the history of a particular prison gang) but for obvious reasons, I do try to stick with things people would (hopefully) want to talk about... which is why I throw in plenty of ridiculous-type threads as well.
Everyone likes a good escape now and then, including me.