It took me a great deal of time, over several days, to read all of this thread. It makes me very sad. Such harsh language against each other. I am not Catholic. But one poster hit it on the head. There are "good Catholics" who are bad Christians, just as there are "good Evangelicals" who are bad Christians. When your doctrine becomes more important to you that your love and respect for the image of God reflected in the person across from you, you're simply doing it wrong. Many, it seems, have so internalized their salvation that it has become a possession to be guarded and protected, rather than gift to be shared in love and mercy. The interesting thing is that I read many Protestant declarations of protest over Catholic adherence to church doctrine instead of the teachings of Christ...then in the same post, there are staunch declarations of adherence to Protestant doctrine. Where is the mutual love, mercy, and respect due to a fellow believer...even if there are doctrinal disagreements. Faith in Christ is the ONLY way to salvation. That is clear. These doctrinal arguments belittle the entire Christian faith. My church has doctrine, and if you attend one, so does yours. I'm O.K. with that, kept in perspective. Many in this thread have lost theirs. Every church, Protestant, Catholic, Non-denominational, has doctrine. But doctrine doesn't save. Doctrine doesn't heal. Doctrine doesn't put you in the presence of God.